cows milk!


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2006
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8 months of breast milk, few weeks of first formula, couple months of follow on formula, and i just bought a box of growing up formula (10months+) to start next, millie has had every type of baby milk there is! but its her birthday in a few weeks, and tbh im quite excited at the prospect of moving her onto cows' milk. just wonder tho, if im still giving her morning/evening bottles, do i just give it straight from the fridge or warm it first? i never warmed milk as millie's formula was always just cooled to room temp so i dont kno how to warm it- and im not gonna start buying equipment like bottle-warmers at this stage just as we're getting shot of this baby-milk lark! :lol:

if u warm cows' milk in bottles how do u do it (without a warmer)
I haven't really thought about this, but I think I would probably stand it in a bowl of hot water for a couple of mins. Or see if she would take it directly from the fridge (saves a lot of hassle).

Valentine Xxx
Im giving Jake cows milk at home already :shhh:

He is still having progress milk at nursery though. The HV said it is fine to be doing this, they used to recommend cows milk from 6 months up until a few years ago anyway.

In the week he has his morning and evening bottle of cows milk, at the weekend he had another 1 or 2 bottles of milk depending, he has loads of watered down fruit juice too.

I warm the evening feed up in the microwave for 40 seconds (in the bottle minus the lid) just to take the cold edge off the milk, then give it a good shake to disperse any hot spots :)
I used to do the same as tangerine. Just stick the bottle in the microwave without the lid and keep an eye on the temp. I only warmed it enough to take the really cold edge off of it. As they get older they'll pretty much have cold milk anyway. Aaron usually has banana flavour in his milk now which he loves and has cold.
Just pop it in a jug of boiled hot water for as long as desired, most babies don't mind it cold, Isaac doesn't like it straight from the fridge though so I have to warm it :lol:
Evie doesn't like it straight from the fridge :roll: I just pop a beaker full in a little pan and warm it on the hob (no microwave!) :D
If she took formula cold (not heated) I would try cows milk the same. Try it from the fridge - my Lucy always preferred cold drinks at that age.
I dont give it straight from the fridge either, i almost fill the bottle then use boiled water from the kettle to top it up - just to take the chill from it.

(my mum told me not to give it from the fridge as it may give her pains?? - dont know how true that is tho lol)
Willow wont have anything cold so i put her milk in the microwave for about 30 ish seconds just to take the edge off.
i put jaydes milk in the micorwave just to taake the chill off it :D
I popped it in the micowave but he soon just had it cold from the fridge though liked it warm for sleepy time as he used to take a cup to be with him.

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