cows milk intolerance

rainbow dancer

Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2010
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i noticed yesterday afternoon that lucy had blood in nappy - after much panicking and a trip to a and e it has become apparant that she has cows milk intolerance. she had been more narky over past couple of days and seems much better today and the blood has stopped (after stopping formula) so she is now on a special formula and will continue to get breast milk too. pointless thread really!! xx
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How is your little one now and does baby like the new formula as dr said she may take some getting used to it! Havnt used any yet but will be soon!! U almost feel guilty as I was looking at stopping bf altogether but feel bad that I have kinda added to her discomfort if that makes sense xx
I've posted about Henry a couple of times but he was hospitalised at 2 weeks due to blood in stools a projectile vomiting. We were bottle feeding as he wouldn't accept bf and so he reacted very quickly very early on. He was put on pregestimil but he wasnt feeding anyway so had to be tubefed :( when a bottle was reintroduced he'd lost his sucking reflex and wouldn't accept it didn't help that the milk tastes disgusting!
But he is fine now, weighs a little less than he should but is now 20 weeks and on 3 meals a day (small) due to his bad reflux. Still having plenty of formula even if it does taste disgusting!
It may be difficult for your lo to accept the formula it really is that bad, but they will get use to it!
Good luck!

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thans for the reply, she has just had her first bottle and has scoffed it down!! she seems quite happy with it! maybe we are one of the lucky ones. xx
What milk is she on??

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Hope she continues to take it and her symptoms go! Let us know how it goes xx

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Join the club! Hope it sorts everything out for her!! x
We think Isla is also allergic to cows milk - when we first gave her formula a few weeks ago, she came out in a rash on her face and back.

She has been prescribed Aptamil Pepti and she has one bottle of that a day - breastfed the rest of the time.

She has actually been tested for the allergy - the GP just phoned the Dietician at the hospital and she said to avoid cows milk until she is 1 year old.

Is there a test to confirm the allergy?
I've been told there's no test and it's just trial and error. I've been told we can reintroduce small bits of dairy at 6 months-1 month to go!

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I've been told there's no test and it's just trial and error. I've been told we can reintroduce small bits of dairy at 6 months-1 month to go!

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I think there's only a test for lactose intolerance.

I'm not sure about leaving it until she's 1 to try again - might try around 6 months too - will see GP closer to then.

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