Could this be it????


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2005
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Well here's an update of this evenings events!!

I have felt really tight all day and been having a few more braxton hicks the last couple of days than normal. When I saw my midwife on Thursday she said that the head STILL hasn't engaged, and if it was still at the same stage next week I have have to go and see the consultant to check that the head isn't too big. Althou she said they'll probably just leave it to drop anyway rather than take action.

About 9pm my waters started to go I think, just a few trickles (Im pretty sure it didn't feel like I was having a wee, sorry if TMI :oops:). I spoke to Labour ward to give them the heads up as the midwife wanted me to ring straight away if my waters went as there was a slight risk of there being a prolasped cord. Labour Ward has said that I am to see how it goes overnight and keep an eye on contractions etc. Im having slight pains every 30mins or so, but only enough for me to notice the tightening and make me take a deep breath, not enough for me to call them painful!

So I am to call back at 9am tmw with an update on the nights progress, and they'll probably get me to go into the hospital to assess me. See if they did truly go and if so what stage I may be at! :pray: :pray:

I have to say that I really hope that this is it cause Im so fed up at the moment, and I really just want to have this baby! I know it'll happen when the time is right, but its just the not knowing when thats doing my head in! I'm one of these people that works well to deadlines and knowing that it could be tmw or could be 2wks time is a nightmare!!

Oh but on the upside FYI I found a website for timing contractions
This has been really good to use as my otherhalf is easily distracted and keeps forgetting to check the time apart etc!! Have a look ladies.
Good luck honey i really hope this is it now for you :hug:
While you are there suffering your agonies please try to remember how it all happens so you can give us a detailed birth story :rotfl:
Sounds like it won't be too long before your LO arrives :cheer: Good luck :)

Well I was up until 3am this morning contractions still 30mins apart, then finally managed at 5am to get a solid 3hrs sleep! I wore a pad last night and though it was damp and clear this morning it wasn't soaking and I haven't really had any more leaking all morning (sorry if TMI) :oops:

Spoke to Labour Ward again this morning who have asked me to come in for a full assessment in half an hour! LO hasn't moved very much this morning althou there have been some movements which is reassuring! Only had about 5 contractions since about 9am so things gave obviously slowed down. Lets see what they say in a bit.

Gonna take my bag in the back of the car just incase, but I bet its all a false alarm and I end up back at home tongiht!!! Fingers crossed it isn't though!
Good luck! Hope this is it for you! :hug:

Thanks for the link to the contraction master!! I've saved it to my favourites and put a link on my desktop! :cheer:
Ooooh fingers crossed you are on your way Bulb! And I've put the contraction master in my favourites too - cheers for that. x

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