Could it be spd.. im in agony!


Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2007
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Well over the last few days, my groin area and my hips are killing me,

when i walk they are worse, sometimes i get a shooting pain down 1 side, i go in the bath and it eases for all of half an hour! :cry:

I cant take parocetomol as im allergic to them so im suffering here! :?

anyone shed any light on if its this, im at the consultants on wednesday but really dont know if i can go that long!! arghhh
sounds like it to me, try and get some reflexology, it does work...also im sure there are excercises on the the other post you can read,that might help, sorry your in so much pain :hug: :hug: :hug:
Oh dear :( I'm sorry to read you are in pain Fiona. It could be SPD or it could be Sciatica. Either way, if it continues you'd better get it checked out to be sure... especially if you can't take any pain killers :(

this is what is happening to me....

i could move be walking around and i couldn't walk up the stairs ... or even get in a car. when i sneeze my bone would click

it sounds like it could be... mine got so bad i went to the hospital.. hunni all i've been doing in staying in and sleeping, having baths

don't try to do anything fancy just take it very easy i'm not taking anything for the pain..

here a link hope it helps ... id=77234#6
thanks for that neeko..

its so painful im actually in tears with it sometimes... as for doing nothing to drastic i have my kids all weekend as well, :wall: so running around after them isnt going to help.. im off to the chemist to see if theres anything i can take for now, cos it is just unbearable, how do you do it without pain relief, you must be so strong, or im just a wimp lol :hug:
well i suppose you can say that i'm getting my self for labour lol

i don't really know... it has gotten less painful as it was 3 days ago... but it's still a struggle to get up :roll:
I'm still suffering with SPD really badly, it doesn't help that I have a 4 year old to run around after all day.

I spoke to NHS Direct about it and this is what they suggested:

- Get some bed rest every day (I wish.)

- Get dressed sitting down (Still hurts.)

- Turn over in bed with your knees together (Erm, impossible.)

- Make an appointment with your doctor ASAP and insist on being referred to a physiotherapist (Takes 3 weeks to get seen at my doctors so I didn't bother.)

- Look on the bright side, it will disappear after the baby is born (Well that makes me feel a whole lot better....NOT!)

I hope you feel better soon :hug:
aww kirsty thanks for your list, seems i cant do alot on that either.. :cry:

we shall suffer together then :hug:
I suffered with SPD really badly from about week 15 onwards, stopped within hours of giving birth.
I went to the Pysio (referred by Midwife) and was given a big velco belt to hold my hips together and crutches to help me walk. Unfortunatly there is not much you can do, excercise helps, i think Sami had a thread on here somewhere with the right ones.
I was given a good tip to get in/out of a car, put a carrier bag on the seat so you can twist with your knees together. One more tip, dont try and push a trolley - it hurts like hell, i remeber ditching my tesco shop halfway round as i was in tears!!
aww, it does sound like it
sorry ur not feeling good, hope it improves 4 u
hav u tried the exercises in the sticky?
i looked at them trixi, yes i done a few and they hurt..

today is worst than any other day so far by a long shot, ive been awake most of the night with pain in my hips, its getting to me now, im going to the docs in the morning, decided i cant wait until wednesday :cry:
hi hun, sorry you are in pain, wish there was something i could do or say to help :hug: :hug:

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