Could i have been?


Well-Known Member
Jan 5, 2007
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As some of you know, i thought there was a possibility of getting a BFP this month, then af arrived. Normally i have a period for about 5 days with quite a normal flow throughout and sometimes cramps on the first day. Today though (af started yesterday) i have been unusually heavy (very) and i've noticed fairly large clots when changing (sorry if TMI :oops: ) I've also had very painfull cramps for two days. I am now wondering if i could of been pregnant and had an early mc?

Any ideas anyone?
I wont lie hun it is possible, but then a surprisingly large percentage of pregnancies end very early and are not even known about as its assumed to be a heavy/more painful period.

I wouldnt worry too much about it though, it could just be a period - not every period is the same really and ive had periods like that that couldnt have been a MC as there was no way I could have been pregnant. No point worrying over something you'll never know the truth of.

Good luck for next month and stay positive! :hug:
Thanks, hun,

I'm not really worring that much, it just got me thinking.

Can't wait to get this week over with so we can get some BDing in, no doubt i'll convince myself i've got all the symptoms again. :wall:

We spent most of our time wishing our life away don't we.
Grace said:
Thanks, hun,

I'm not really worring that much, it just got me thinking.

Can't wait to get this week over with so we can get some BDing in, no doubt i'll convince myself i've got all the symptoms again. :wall:

We spent most of our time wishing our life away don't we.

Dont we just!!!!! Will all be worth it in the end though :D

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