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Could i be ??


New Member
Aug 17, 2008
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Hi I am new to this forum, and i am wondering if someone can help Pleassssee!!!

If i list my symptoms and what s been happening i'm hoping someone could shed some light as i think im going MAD!! :evil:

I have missed both July and August AF normally around 14/15 of the month, i have Very sore bbs and constant erect nips ( tmi) very vieny. My husband said tonight i look about five months pregnant i am very bloated and none of my clothes fit :-(
constant nausea, sort of af cramps, back ache, very dizzy when i get up in the morning or stand to quickly. My tummy is very hard to touch under my boobs, rib area if u know what i mean ( sorry) extreme mood swings,I have done many hpt 2 came out positive, the rest neg had b/t with hospital this came back as a score of 1.

GP has said im def not pregnant but offered no alternitive test/treatment reason....... really dont know what to do now, i have a 9 year old and many symptoms i have are similar.

Can anyone shaed any light, what do i do now ??

So sorry its long , thanks if u got this far

Andria xx
Sorry Hun, I don't know what to suggest I've not been through anything similar but didn't want to read and run. If the blood test is negative than it's unlikely you are pregnant but I'd keep going back to the docs until they do something to find out what's wrong, are there any other doctors at your practice you could see?

:hug: :hug: Hope you can get the docs to get you some answers soon
Was it a beta hcg blood test that came out at 1? And did they follow it up with another one?

Because some of your tests are coming back positive I would take them to your doctor to show him/her.

1 on a beta is classed as negative, anything under 5 is negative, but that 1 could go to 2 and to 4 to 8 and so on.

If youre not in any urgent type pain I would wait this out for a while till you would show up on a scan. When is you next af due? I would wait till that time has passed then you can tell your doctor you've missed 3.
:wave: Hi and welcome to the forum

It does sound like you have a lot of symptoms, Like mrs_metal says are there any other doctors at the practice you could see? as the one you have been too see did not really help. When was the last time you tested? maybe do another one with FMU (first morning urine).

Stress can cause af to be late have you been stressed lately? If I am correct :think: (please correct me if I am wrong) then a change in diet can effect it as well, just a few possible ideas as to why she has not turned up.

Good luck and I hope you manage to see a better doctor that WILL help you. Let us know how you get on. :hug: :hug:
I think i would see another doctor Andria, definitly go armed with tests next time. I've had similar problems, similar type pains too and i've had to make a complete nuisence of myself to get taken seriously.
The day my blood hcg was was 51.1 the doctors said my urine was negative.
if you feel in your heart of hearts that something isnt right then push for them to take you seriously. :hug:
Hi Everyone,

Thanks for the advice, i really appreciate it i will call Dr in the morning and ask to c someone else, i did take my positive tests with me and the dr looked at them and said "congratulations your pregnant" and ordered B/T went straight up the hospital for them and result the next day was negative or 1. The same dr then called me at home and said no your not pregnant....

I will make a nuisance of myself until i can get a straight answer, my head is all muddled with this at mo , under no stress really .( until this !!)

I will let u know how i get on, Thanks again xxxxx :)
Hey Andria I found this, it was a reply on a doctor discussion thing.

They say it can detect the HcG hormone within 24 hours of conception BUT with my 3rd child, I had a urine test~negative.....3 weeks later a blood test~negative.....3 weeks later found out I was almost 3 months pregnant getting ready to start the second trimester! It all depends on the amount of the hormone HcG in your bloodstream. Relax, if you are pregnant, you will know in due time. Trust me you don't want to find out the day you conceive that you are pregnant because it makes for a VERY long 40 weeks! Give it time and don't stress.
Andria please go to your doctors and demand a scan - I doubt they will get you one at the maternity unit but a pelvic scan will do......

I had a similar problem from September to December last year - irratic + on HPT's and blood hcg of less than 1 - after 3 months I was in constant pain and had a pelvic scan and they found a feotus in my stomach cavity - this is very very rare but it does happen (my doctor has only seen it twice in 20 years). My consultant is writting a paper on it as we speak - please pm me if you want anymore information...... I dont want to scare you but I think it is worth seeing another doctor until they get you scanned.

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

Jane x
Hi Just an update

I have called surgery this morning and there are no appointmnets today !! so after causing a fuss ( really not me) i now have to go over the surgery at three and wait to c someone......

I have noticed today along with the erect nips ( tmi) sorry and bbs looking very big and veiny i also have loads of spots all over areola some white some skin colour ( are these related to any pregnancy symptom??)

I will let u know how i get on, thanks for all your thoughts up to now xxxx
Andria on this forum erect nips is not tmi :hug:
yes the little bumpy spots are a symptom, it's them get prepared for the milk i think.
And well done for causing a fuss, you go girl! :dance:
Remember the story I related in my earlier post and that sometimes it doesnt mean anything bad, but you know, you need answers now.

Let us know how you get on, it's the not knowing thats hard to take. :hug:
What did the doctor say Andria? Hope they actually listened to you :hug:
I hope you get it sorted and you know either way hun.

Good luck
Hi Just an update... Had results from latest b/t and it has come back as 1 again.!

I have the most painful bbs today agony , and some cramping and a really dull ache in my bottom and back, i went to toilet this morning and there was slight colour on the tissue paper. Not red More Very light pink. Hardly nothing there?

Is this the start of a period, i would have thought after not having one for two months it would arrive with avengence.

Couldnt speak to the Dr again, he did mention sending me for a scan if the b/t came back neg , now he is not back till friday.

What do u think shall i just go up to A&E, dont really want to seem neurotic but i know that something isnt right ,

Sorry to go on.......

Andria xx
I would go to A&E at worst they can send you away after being seen and you can speak to your GP on Friday but at best they can arrange a scan for you. If your bleeding turns red/orange please go to your A&E ASAP.

Jane x
Yes keep hassling them cos us women KNOW when something isnt right don't we?
It might not be that youre pregnant but it might be something else so keep at it, you've got my support. :hug:

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