I had a miscarriage 6 weeks ago - I was 9 weeks pregnant. I had ultrasounds done throughout it, and the final one confirmed that there was no tissue or anything left in the uterus after the bleeding had stopped. The miscarriage started 7/25 and I went to the ER, and they said my hcg levels had already gone from 9 weeks to 5 weeks within a matter of hours. Well it's 6 weeks later and I haven't had a period since the bleeding stopped, but I've been feeling very tired and nauseous. I took a pregnancy test a couple days ago, and it was positive. I took a second one two days later, and it was still positive. Is there any chance there's just leftover hcg in my system that's giving me a false positive? Or am I for sure pregnant? I doubt that there'd still be any hcg in my system (especially since I was only 9 weeks when I miscarried, and my levels had dropped to 5 weeks in just one day)...but I also don't want to get too excited. Has anyone been through this before? Have any advice/opinions?