Could I be more pregnant???


Well-Known Member
Nov 26, 2009
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Sounds like a strange question but so far Im only working out my dates from last AF, as advised by my GP.

But for about 10 days now Im having to undo my trouser top button when I sit down cos theyre so tight but I put that down to bloating. But now I've totally gone off food the past couple of days. I feel so full whenever I eat, last night we had chilli and I felt like I couldnt breathe fully cos I was so full. Today I had a ham sandwich for lunch and then catering brought some lovely buffet food into the staff room left over from some meeting or other and I couldnt face eating anything cos I was so full, even though it all looked gorgeous! Its made me start to wonder if Im further along than I think I am. A few weeks before my last AF I had leaking boobs and felt like I was on the hormone rollercoaster, I decided I would test if I didnt get AF. Well AF showed up so I didnt bother testing and then about 5 days after it finished I had a tiny bleed (wondering if it was implantation bleed now). You hear stories about women who don't realise they're pregnanct until they go into labour as they have AF all along so its made me wonder whether I couldve been preg. for longer than I realised. Is it possible I could be bigger at 6 weeks? And why so physically full? Normally I love food and Im trying to squeeze more in even when I know im full so this is just wierd!:shock:
from about 6 weeks I was really struggling with being bloated last time...
That sounds normal hun, what I would say is try and drink more water as you're probably retaining some water :)
Oh thats such a relief cos I have been panicking that I went drinking (too much) in October!! I'll drink more water if I find room in my ever decreasing belly :)
i feel v similar to u with the bloating thing its so uncomfortable hey! just feels fat haha x
Yeah totally uncomfortable, I must be very lucky cos Ive never experienced this before!!
I feel exactly the same too. My clothes are uncomfortably tight and I've completely lost my appetite. I'm hoping this is something that will pass...?
you will feel better from 12 weeks when baby passes abov pervis bone but sickness hits around 8 weeks and its allot worse in my case i had extream sickness till 20 and 21 weeks with mine lol x

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