could do with some advice x x :/


Well-Known Member
Oct 6, 2010
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hi girls its meee :smile: feeling a bit better in myself today but confused.

my period has been 28 days 30 days and 32 days so im not sure EXACTLY when due on, and i wasnt using opks so not sure when i ovulated. but :bd: everyday this month!!!

yesterday was 28days so its not that cycle this month lol but on saturday i had back ache n what i thought was period pains, when i got home i felt my cervix to find some mucus with like a streak of blood in it, i thought it was here....

its now monday no period or pains, cervix is so high i can hardy reach it but it feels a bit open i think ( im not too good at knowing it open to closed)

oh and my boobs hurt like hell too. i did a test today only an answer one which i thought was from 4 days before, turns out it was on the day of your missed AF and was negative, it wasnt fmu either...

any help would be great girls :smile: thanx minxie x x
Hey linx :wave:
Sounding good my darling, I know the situation isn't great but I've got everything crossed for you
Hey Linx, glad to read you're feeling a bit better.

I'm no expert, but it certainly sounds like early PG signs. I know it's probably not the answer you want to hear right now, sorry.

If I was you I would either try one of the early tests or wait a few more days and use a normal one.

Hang in there. :hugs:
hi kezza hows u my lovely??
im so confused i just wanna know do u think it wil be worth getting a fr tomorrow the longest my cycle ever been is 32 days and tomorrow is cd 30 ??
its driving me nuts iv had itchy nipples too and hot flushes its not great!!
hey kedi -- thankyou huny, hey if a bean is ther ill be over the moon prob heartbroken if there aint to be honest but thats life!!!!
yeah they do seem rather good signs but im sure iv had these before lol
hey kedi -- thankyou huny, hey if a bean is ther ill be over the moon prob heartbroken if there aint to be honest but thats life!!!!
yeah they do seem rather good signs but im sure iv had these before lol

In that is some baby dust for you.........


It's so hard to know, with the symptoms being the same as AF. Nothing is simple in this life!

What happened to your ex OH, is he still around?

still sniffing around, well he needs to be close untill i know whats going on then e can seriously pee off if AF comes :)

thanx for the babydust huny :)
Stay strong sweetie AF or no AF. No one should be treated that way and he doesn't deserve you.

thankyou so much
do you think i should get a fr with fmu tomorrow??
I would if I was you - I couldn't handle the waiting game any longer. By what you've said today is CD29 and your longest has been 32 days, the FR ones say they work 5/6 days before your AF is due. And yes try with FMU.

Hey just wanted to wish you luck for when you next test......... FX for you. Hope this is your bfp. Amy xxx
yes thats what i thought!!
by the ovulation pains i think i ovulated around cd26 so im roughly 11-12 dpo
i had trouble with the hormone levels with my sons pregnancy and it didnt show up on urine test untill i was 9 weeks!!!
Hey linx :wave:

Sorry just replying, sorted dinner out & am stuffed now :)

FR is an idea as your within the 6 days but I'd try & wait until your longest ever cycle day or day after

I know you wanna know now my darling but good things come to those who wait :)

im so impatient though kezza im going to buy one tomorrow and use fmu its only going to be a waste of his money, and im not out till the fat lady sings !!!!!!!

thanx girls its great having u here :) hmm i also think im gettin more faint white spots on nipples :shock::shock::shock::shock::shock::shock:
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Oh I see.......well if his cash then I'd defo go & buy every single test you can get your hands on :rotfl:

first responce with fmu sound good to you????
i hate SS its depressing especially when you want something so much!!!!
it does seem like some good signs though !!
fingers crossed x
You betcha hun, FR with FMU sounds fab :clover: Feb has started off very well so hope this continues to you :pray:

Hehehe :lol: that :2ww: & the SS will defo not be missed in this household

god yeah i bet kezza it wont be in mine, at least i wont be having any sex so wont have no 2ww at all lol :)
im nervouse x x
i realy hope so huny :)
i duno what to think or do really x x

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