Cot, crib or Moses basket?!


Active Member
Nov 22, 2006
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Hello, I hope you don't mind me posting here, I'm not a mommy just yet!

This is my first pregnancy and I'm quite confused about a few things but I don't have anyone else to ask.

Do cots, cribs and moses baskets have age limits?
Which is best for a new born and at what age would they need something bigger?
Are there any advantages/disadvantages to using any?

I'm really sorry for all the questions, I just don't have a clue!
Dont worry, its all so confussing i know - i hope i help a little....

Leah was in a mosis basket until she was about 5 months and then moved into her cot - making sure she was at the bottom of her cot in the feet to foot position.
She can stay in her cot until she is much older as it is a cot bed and can be lowered to make a proper little bed for her. :D
Harrison is in his moses basket for when hes in the living room (he's rapidly growing out of it though) & rocking crib when hes is our bedroom, we shall be getting him a cot bed in the new year
Braydon had a moses basket at first but i didnt get the stand as we have a dog and didnt want her knocking it over so we just put the moses Basket in the cot bed
My 2 have both been in a crib, they can stay in them for alot longer than a moses basket I think.
I had mine in a rocking crib, same as I'll have this next one in. I found that the moses basket only lasted about a month, I just used it for during the daytime. They look HUGE when they first go into a cot so I liked the crib better first.
Alfie was in his moses basket in our room for the 1st 4 weeks on a stand then we moved him into his room with the moses basket in his cotbed but to be honest i think he'll be out of it in a few weeks as hes getting so big
Oliver started in a moses basket but last week we had to put him in his cot as he was too big for it! Think a crib lasts longer than a moses basket but all depends on how big your baby is!

Oliver now weighs 14lb 8oz!! He was 8lb 6oz when he was born and was 3 weeks early!! He is a big boy!
god! alfie was 2 weeks late and he was 8lb 3, a week ago he weighed 14lb 2, get him weighed again on thurs to c how big hes got since, i bet Oliver loves stretching out in his cot, Alfie loved it when he was in hospital but he loves his moses basket too
Oliver loves it in his cot - he sleeps longer too which is great. We put him down at about 8pm and then give him a dreamfeed about 11pm and he will then sleep until about 8am! I am so pleased with him -he's my little angel.

Sounds like Alfie is doing well.

Hes lovely, he sleeps from 5.30 - 6.30 but hes teething at the minute so although his sleeping isnt effected hes screaming allllllllllll day.

I do miss the newborn stage but seeing the gummy grins is gorgeous
Ellis was in a moses basket till he was 3 months old, I took it down stairs in the day and in my bed room in night.

Now he is in a cotbed in his bedroom


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