Copper coil failed - has this happened to anyone else?


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2018
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So I can't believe I'm here, again and so soon :/ So Darcie is 10 months old now. I had the copper coil fitted when she was 12 weeks. Everything has been fine for the last 7/8 months, until this month. Periods had been a little irratic length wise but nothing major.

This month however I noticed I was 37days into my cycle which is unheard of with or without the coil. My sister thought I was crazy, how could I be pregnant with the coil fitted. I tested and there it was, strong BFP.

What now? I'm assuming I'll have to have the coil removed as it must have moved else where, although I can still feel the strings :/ I assume this might risk the pregnancy as something being pulled through the cervix can not be good?!

Has anyone been through this, can you share your experience please?

Thank you xxx

OMG @baby.3 - massive congratulations to you darling. I know it isn’t the best situation at the moment but I hope you manage to get the coil removed ASAP so you don’t have to worry and can enjoy this pregnancy.
Darcie and new baby will have such an unbelievable bond. I am hoping for my children to be this close in age.
Really am glad to see you back here <3
Oh wow!! Is congratulations in order? :smile:
I had two copper coils which moved out of place too - luckily I noticed in time and went and got them checked out, ended up having to have them refitted but after the last time the nurse said to me not to use it as a form of contraception again as they just don’t suit some people! I think they will just leave it in as taking it out could possibly jeopardise the pregnancy, or they might take it when the baby is much bigger
Oh welcome back @baby.3!
That is such a strong positive! Makes me wonder how far along you are?!
I would have it checked out certainly if you can still feel the strings. There is still a foreign object in the womb, which can be risky for the pregnancy.
Oh welcome back @baby.3!
That is such a strong positive! Makes me wonder how far along you are?!
I would have it checked out certainly if you can still feel the strings. There is still a foreign object in the womb, which can be risky for the pregnancy.

I'm going to level with you here, I honestly thought the fainter line was the test line. Which I thought was strong enough! Only after reading your comment, and double checking the test instructions have a realised the dark pink line is actually the test line! Stupid as I've done hundreds of tests over the years!

Well, I have a bleed the first week of April, so according to online calculators I'd be 5 weeks, give or take a day. Are we thinking that line maybe a tad strong for 5weeks?

My only concern is that it may potentially be ectopic, as the risks are slightly increased due to the coil.

I can still feel the strings. From the research I've done, if they can see strings they will generally try to remove the coil, as leaving it in will definitely lead to some form of complication. The only risk at removing it is obviously the increase likelihood of miscarriage.

I've called my GP, just waiting on a call back - no appointments being made unless GP deems necessary. So just a waiting game at present, but now wondering about the strength of that test :/

I'm going to level with you here, I honestly thought the fainter line was the test line. Which I thought was strong enough! Only after reading your comment, and double checking the test instructions have a realised the dark pink line is actually the test line! Stupid as I've done hundreds of tests over the years!

Well, I have a bleed the first week of April, so according to online calculators I'd be 5 weeks, give or take a day. Are we thinking that line maybe a tad strong for 5weeks?

My only concern is that it may potentially be ectopic, as the risks are slightly increased due to the coil.

I can still feel the strings. From the research I've done, if they can see strings they will generally try to remove the coil, as leaving it in will definitely lead to some form of complication. The only risk at removing it is obviously the increase likelihood of miscarriage.

I've called my GP, just waiting on a call back - no appointments being made unless GP deems necessary. So just a waiting game at present, but now wondering about the strength of that test :/

@baby.3 - This was my test at 5 weeks, 2 days. Was the first test i did. Yours looks about right i think, very similar to mine. xx

1st test.jpg
Thats reassuring chatty!

I'm here at the hospital now, just waiting on a scan to make sure its not ectopic.

So back from hospital. The sack can be seen in the uterus, but as its so early they can't see a yolk or a embryo. So they have said they are 80% sure the baby is where its suppose to be, but can't be a 100% until they see the yolk sac too.

The coil is hanging out in the cervix :roll: They have basically said they don't want to try to remove it yet as they would like the pregnancy to be more established. As its no where near the baby it won't cause an issue to the baby. They hope it will expel itself, but if not they will revise the situation at my 12week scan - providing I get that far:clover:

I've had bloods done today also, should get the results from that at some point today. I'm back at the hospital Friday for more bloods, hope to see them doubling according to the nurse that would give a good indication that the pregnqncy is actually in the right place as the scan suggests. I'm also booked in for another scan on the 29th, I'll be 7 weeks by then and would hope to see a viable pregnancy and heartbeat.

So thats where I am at the min in this crazy unexpected journey!

Included pic of scan. Its not a very good quality which is why she couldn't see much.

Gald all went well with the scan. I think there is a lady on here I read a few months ago that this happened to too xx
Gald all went well with the scan. I think there is a lady on here I read a few months ago that this happened to too xx

I don't suppose you recall 2hat happened, or have a link to the post? Please xx
Sorry I can't find it, but a far as I know everything as fine xx
Ah, thanks I might give Kanga a message :)

So quick update, woke this morning feeling very uncomfortable downstairs, you know when you put a tampon in and its not quiet in the right place - well it felt like that. Was thinking of ringing the hospital ward, but they rang me with my blood results. They can back at 7500+ ( can't remember exact figures). But either way they have said I don't need any further blood tests as though numbers are really good, and indicative of a 5 week pregnancy. Mention the weird feeling and they asked me to come in for a check. The coil has shifted again and had started to make its way out the cervix so they helped it along and removed it while I was there.

So the coil is gone, bloods are looking good. Next hurdle, it seeing if we see more at the 7 week scan.
Ah, thanks I might give Kanga a message :)

So quick update, woke this morning feeling very uncomfortable downstairs, you know when you put a tampon in and its not quiet in the right place - well it felt like that. Was thinking of ringing the hospital ward, but they rang me with my blood results. They can back at 7500+ ( can't remember exact figures). But either way they have said I don't need any further blood tests as though numbers are really good, and indicative of a 5 week pregnancy. Mention the weird feeling and they asked me to come in for a check. The coil has shifted again and had started to make its way out the cervix so they helped it along and removed it while I was there.

So the coil is gone, bloods are looking good. Next hurdle, it seeing if we see more at the 7 week scan.
Happy it went so well! Good thing they were able to remove the coil! How are you feeling about having another baby again so soon?x
Still in shock I think. At the minute I'm just taking it a day at a time, I dont want to think too far ahead incase it doesn't work out.

As for having 2 so close together, well I can only imagine how hectic its going to be! Its a scary thought!
Hello, just seen I was tagged in this. Yes I found out I was unexpectedly pregnant back at the end of January. I had a mirena coil fitted in June 2019, I had bleeding episodes on and off but never kept track as the mirena coil can stop your periods and sometimes I would only spot a little then other heavier bleeding like a period but not in any sort of pattern. I started to feel really nauseous and off and I just thought this is like early pregnancy so I went and tried to see if I could feel my coil strings and I couldn’t so I got a test, which was a blazing positive!

I had a blood test done the next day and my levels were 21,000 and so I had a scan at the epu and I saw a little blob with a heartbeat dating about 6weeks! They searched for the coil and it was nowhere to be seen, they said it must have fallen out! Apparently the sonographer had seen at least 4 ladies in the last 2 months who were pregnant because of coils failing!

I’m now 17 weeks tomorrow with baby number 4 and it hasn’t been a smooth ride at home. No issues with the pregnancy apart from severe sickness (hyperemesis) but it has been tough on my husband and I. He unfortunately didn’t want to continue the pregnancy, but it wasn’t something I could do. He still hasn’t quite adjusted to the situation as he felt complete with the 3 boys we have and wanted the snip 4 years ago after our last baby was born and I got him to agree to wait 5-6yrs to see if he would change his mind as I was happy to try for a 4th baby. He obviously never changed his mind but it has happened anyway and I’m hoping all will be good by the time baby is here.

I had 19months between number 2 and 3 ( found out on numbers 2’s first birthday) and the small gap is tough but it is lovely having them close together now they are older. Us mums are somehow wired to cope through hectic situations and I wouldn’t change any of it.

Also just to add a lady at my sons school had a copper coil displace and she had it removed and is due any day now with her 5th surprise little one!
Hi Kanga,

Thank you for taking the time to post here. I've had a read about on the Internet and it seems coil displacement is really common! I opted for the coil purely because I wanted a method of contraception that I didn't have to think about. I know no contraception is 100% but I honesty thought I'd be OK with a coil!

I'm so glad everything had turned ok well pregnancy wise. And congratulations on almost hitting the half way mark!

Sorry to hear your hubby isn't on board with the pregnancy as yet. I'm sure as time goes on he'll come to terms with having number 4.

I've the opposite with my hubby, he's ready and rearing to go and have number 4 here. I on the other hand feel I should be more grounded in terms that this will impact on finances, and our housing situation as we are only in a 3bed house. Darcie is still in our room! We can't possibly have darcie and a baby in with us, can we?! Haha

Anyway, I popped on just to update that I've just woke from a short nap and found I'm spotting. Mixture of brown and red blood, just taken some paracetamol for backache too.

Previous to finding out I was pregnant id been taking co-codamol for chronic tooth pain, and having the odd G&T in the evening (home schooling got me bad :-)) now I'm concerned that this, coupled with having the coil removed maybe have reduced the chances of the pregnancy being viable.

These next 2 weeks are going to be horrific waiting game .

I wouldn’t worry about the co-codamol as I have been prescribed that during this pregnancy and my last to deal with migraines. And obviously there are plenty of women who don’t realise they are pregnant til later and have had a few drinks so try not to worry about that x

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