Copper coil failed - has this happened to anyone else?

I thought the coil was an easy way to not to have to think about contraception too, I know for sure hubby will be getting the snip after this baby so I shouldn't have that worry again lol

My hubby has all the same fears, finances and house. We rent a 3 bed house and he is desperate to get our own house but it was already about 5 yrs away but this will delay it alot longer now. As of Sept this year all our boys would have been in school so ideal time for me to shift jobs and earn a little more to help financially but that's not going to happen til this one is in school now. All 3 of our boys share a room already, their choice, so baby will have the tiny box room. Which is currently the walk in wardrobe as such for the boys as that where all their clothes are, so will have to juggle a few things around.

I wouldn't worry about the co codamol I've been on that and tramadol through previous pregnancies, not to mention all the anti sickness meds I have to take and all been okay. I hope the spotting is just irritation from the coil being taken from your cervix rather than anything else but I can understand that you will be on tender hooks until your next scan.
Congratulations on the pregnancy and on your coil sorting itself out. Hopefully it's smooth sailing from here! I fell pregnant when my bub was 12mo old, so we'll have two under two as well. It will be hard work but I think it's better to have them super close in age x
So glad they managed to take the coil out @baby.3 - that’s one less worry on your mind. I am going to guess the bleed is from it being removed and irritating your cervix. I hope it stops soon so your not worrying.
So excited to follow your journey. When will you be due? Xx
ah @kanga86 I totally get his concerns. Its hard to adjust when you've had a plan set in your head and it didnt involved a 4th child! Will he attend the 20 scan with you? Maybe finding out its a boy or girl! Will help him connect a bit more. I wish we had a box room for baby! We have 3 rooms, my and my hubbys, my 17yr old and my soon to be 7yr old. Darcie is currently in with us still, long story but I have separation anxiety and still don't feel comfortable putting her in her own room. But the plan was to eventually have Darcie and Harrison share while we looked for a suitable 4 bed, they are like gold dust round here. So, I suppose they could still share and babyncoukd be in with us for a while. Not ideal but it will work, I think.

Thank you @WinterWolf. Congratulations on your pregnancy also. I keep telling myself that many woman have 4 or more children and survive so it must be do able!

@chattychar1990 I think the bleed was irritation. It had almost stopped last night before bed. I've not checked this morning as I'm still in bed! Hubby kindly gsve me a lay in :) According to a few of those online calculators I'll be due around 14th Dec! So a little Xmas baby!
ah @kanga86 I totally get his concerns. Its hard to adjust when you've had a plan set in your head and it didnt involved a 4th child! Will he attend the 20 scan with you? Maybe finding out its a boy or girl! Will help him connect a bit more. I wish we had a box room for baby! We have 3 rooms, my and my hubbys, my 17yr old and my soon to be 7yr old. Darcie is currently in with us still, long story but I have separation anxiety and still don't feel comfortable putting her in her own room. But the plan was to eventually have Darcie and Harrison share while we looked for a suitable 4 bed, they are like gold dust round here. So, I suppose they could still share and babyncoukd be in with us for a while. Not ideal but it will work, I think.

Thank you @WinterWolf. Congratulations on your pregnancy also. I keep telling myself that many woman have 4 or more children and survive so it must be do able!

@chattychar1990 I think the bleed was irritation. It had almost stopped last night before bed. I've not checked this morning as I'm still in bed! Hubby kindly gsve me a lay in :) According to a few of those online calculators I'll be due around 14th Dec! So a little Xmas baby!
So glad the bleeding has stopped for you. I am still in bed too after a terrible nights sleep. 4 times last night I got up for a poxy wee!!
How magical a Christmas baby <3 x
haha I remember how irritating it was to have to get up to pee so many times in the night. I'd often lay there and think 'no, I've been 3 times just sleep!' And try to ignore it, I'd be so mad that I'd have to get up haha.

It would be nice to have a Xmas baby, though I hope it would arrived well before the big day itself!
haha I remember how irritating it was to have to get up to pee so many times in the night. I'd often lay there and think 'no, I've been 3 times just sleep!' And try to ignore it, I'd be so mad that I'd have to get up haha.

It would be nice to have a Xmas baby, though I hope it would arrived well before the big day itself!
It is so irritating. I walk like a zombie to the bathroom and give the OH a dirty look as I walk past him as he is snoring and dreaming away with no interruptions in his sleep :rotfl:
Well hopefully because this is your second, it will come earlier and will indeed be here for the big day. I still can’t believe I’m going to have a 3 month old at Christmas. Xx
It'll be my 4th char!

I've got a 17yr old, 6yr old, Darcie who's 10mnths and then this baby! Haha
Unfortunately he hasn’t been to any scans I’ve had yet and won’t be allowed to the 20 week one either :( I was hoping going to the scans would help him bond a little and adjust as so far he can still pretty much ignore it is happening which doesn’t help. I will be finding out the sex but we both think it will be another boy, as have 3 the same it’s hard to think we would have a girl. Pregnancy has gone pretty much the same so far too.

It must be hard having the bigger age gaps. I am grateful mine are happy sharing for now, they are 7, 5, and nearly 4 and being the same gender also helps. You still have plenty of time before moving Darcie into the room with her brother, and being a bit older it will hopefully go smoothly for everyone. I think Alfie my youngest was in our room longer than the other two, I think because he was meant to be our last I didn’t want to be apart from him too soon.

I'm glad the bleeding has stopped, fingers crossed all stays good. Aww a little Christmas baby, I can imagine you not wanting the birthday being too close to Christmas though. I’m due 4 days after my middle ones 6th birthday and really hoping they aren’t too close together or the same day. I’m a twin and had to share so much on our birthdays and wouldn’t want that for James.
@kanga86 thats such a shame that he's not able to go to the scan. Like you've said I think that might have helped him bond and accept the new baby. When will your scan be? Is there any chance you might be able to pay for a private after all this lockdown business?

I thought my last pregnancy was going to be a boy, as I had 2 boys already. So total shock to find I was having a girl, so never say never you might be surprised too :)

The age gaps haven't been too bad for us really, the eldest pretty much takes care of himself, the middle child is old enough to do certain tasks for himself and help with baby (bringing nappies or wipes etc). Its also been nice to be able to enjoy them as babies without the worry or distraction of another younger/similar aged sibling. So to have this baby so soon is going to be a real shock to the system. I'm genuinely scared about how I'll cope physically and mentally.

@chattychar1990 all is forgiven, baby brain is a killer and still gets me now. I have to write EVERYTHING down, otherwise I forget! Terrible!

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