convinced something is wrong


Well-Known Member
Jan 30, 2012
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Not sure if previous mc has made me a paranoid wreck but I just can't accept that everything is going to be ok. Having a really low day and spent most of it in tears. I'm roughly 5+4, started spotting 2 days before bfp up until sunday night. Mostly light pink with the odd bit of red blood never enough to need to wear a pad just there when I wipe. I'm more concerned with the pain I've been getting, its mostly mild on two occasions its been. Really bad for a couple of hours (a sharp pain) it is always there low down in my pelvis and my back only ever in my left side. I have been to a and e and was told I had probably pulled a muscle or had a urine infection and was given some tablets. I don't think I have as I have no pain when passing water. I have got it into my head that I am going to have another mc or that I'm having an ectopic pregnancy I'm so scared :(
Hey hun, I totally understand your concerns. I certainly get days where I panic and think it won't be ok plus the spotting has really knocked my confidence but three scans later and little bean is still strong and growing and I'm sure yours is too.

The only thing I can suggest is book a scan for 6+ weeks so you can get some reassurance it really helped mr and worth every penny.

The chances of having another unsuccessful pg is low but it doesn't help the fear factor.

Lots of :hugs: and I'm sure your little bean is ticking away fast!xxx
Seems I was right to feel concerned pain got worse and as I stood up to go to the toilet I felt a pop and a gush of blood came out. Went straight to a and e where I was given pain relieve and put on a drip as I had low blood pressure, Doctor was brilliant done lots of test and said everything looked ok, although have to wait for hcg. He tried to get me in for scan but couldn't luckily I already have one booked for tomorrow morning. No more blood during the night but a little spotting this morning and the pain is still there. Hang in there little bean xxxx
Oh no , i hope everything is ok . Although i have to say this is how i felt. My pain was on my right and seemed to radiate from low down to round my hip and on occasions it made me drop to the floor. I really really pray that your bean is safe x x
You poor thing Amy - I hope you have some good news tomorrow!

Thanks girls bleeding has stopped again, pain is still bad but just trying to tell myself if it was ectopic the doctor would have kept me in. Trying to think positive and praying my bubs is ok xx
Oh sweetheart saying a little prayer hope everything goes ok xxxx
Hope everything goes well getting your bloods back and your scan xxx
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