Control Crying final worked at one year old!


Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2005
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I just wanted to let you girls know for help to anyone trying................

I have tried CCing Ellis a few times in the last year when he was 6 month and 10 (i think)......

The crying time used to get lower but still a week in and he would be crying for 20 mins every night and still waking 3 times a night.

Well I tried again a week ago and he has taken to it fine .... and sleeping through the night (or re-settling himself if he does wake)

I can honestly say I believe he didnt understand before when we tried.... and I feel a bit guilty now. But thank god he will not remember!! haha I will just never tell him i did it haha.

He now only cries for 30 seconds and lays himself back down!!!! :clap:

Snap i have just started this with Keeley and for the last two nights she has gone straight to sleep when i have laid her down in the cot :cheer:
oh no rest!! I am still up going a wee every 5 mins!! haha haha xxxxx
oh no rest!! I am still up going a wee every 5 mins!! haha haha xxxxx

LOL yeah in another year and a half you might get a whole nights sleep
I think its so much better doing it when they are that bit older. I tried Aimee when she was 12 months and it worked the 1st night and by night 2 she was sleeping through. :D Hope he keeps it up for you hun!
Keely said:
I just wanted to let you girls know for help to anyone trying................

I have tried CCing Ellis a few times in the last year when he was 6 month and 10 (i think)......

The crying time used to get lower but still a week in and he would be crying for 20 mins every night and still waking 3 times a night.

Well I tried again a week ago and he has taken to it fine .... and sleeping through the night (or re-settling himself if he does wake)

I can honestly say I believe he didnt understand before when we tried.... and I feel a bit guilty now. But thank god he will not remember!! haha I will just never tell him i did it haha.

He now only cries for 30 seconds and lays himself back down!!!! :clap:


well done you!!!

i think its much better to tr trhe CC with toddlers. :)
:clap: well done..

I seriously need to do this with bradley, since bailey was born, hes not been going to bed at all.. to get him to sleep he goes in our bed, then i transfer him to his cot.. yes cot cos he gets out his bed.. but even putting him in a cot doesnt work he screams the place down..

anyone done it on older toddlers before, any tips for me!
Ellis only sleeps now Keely as I had a little word in his ear last week & and told him hes got to start sleeping for his mummy as shes making a new play mate for him :wink: he said " oh alright Granny Kaz" :lol:

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