contact lenses


Well-Known Member
May 23, 2007
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i had contact lenses a few months back and worn them a few times,

now i dont know wether its because im wearing make up more often or bewcause of the lenses but i get itchy eyes a lot more often.. its obviously not an infection because i would know by now but they are really itchy.. is that normal because of contacts or is it just because or makeup?
Do you mean generally your eyes are itchy or whilst wearing the lenses they're itchy?

If I havent worn mine for a while they feel a bit weird and sometimes itchy when I put them in but thats not usual. They shouldn't feel itchy - tbh i forget i've got them in and end up trying to push my glasses up (that aren't on :rotfl: )

Maybe they need to be in the solution for longer??
Are your hands thoroughly clean before using them??

mmmm could be that your just not used to them being in yet.
Hi Lisa,
I wear lenses and most of the time forget they are in. Maybe you need a review of the lenses you use - I use the daily ones so that i dont have to worry about cleaning solutions etc. Sometimes if my eyes are particulary dry (especially at work where we have air - con) my eyes become really itchy. I'd speak to your optician for advice.
I usually forget about mine, but sometimes i get make-up in my eyes which makes the uncomfortable. I'd go and get checked tbh.
But i do wear dailies so i don't use the cleaning solutions etc.
I get itchy eyes in daily disposables even. It means you have particularly dry eyes. Get to an optician and get some wet eye drops for use with contacts they're a lifesaver. Try to avoid smoky or air conditioned environments too.
debecca said:
I get itchy eyes in daily disposables even. It means you have particularly dry eyes. Get to an optician and get some wet eye drops for use with contacts they're a lifesaver. Try to avoid smoky or air conditioned environments too.

I use monthlys but definitely agree with this.

Valentine Xxx
I use gas permeable and when I get itchy eyes it generally means I've got mild conjuctivitus again. If you pull down your lower eyelid and if the skin on the inside looks much redder than normal then it could be so get your optician to check it out.

It's much more likely to be dryness causing the itching though so if your eyes aren't red then try the drops.
hi ta for replies.. i mean they are generally more itchy without them in.. ive only worn them a few times but my eyes are itchy on a daily basis??

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