Consultation 27+3 weeks


Nov 26, 2015
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I was just wondering if anyone has been in a similar situation to myself. I suffer from extreme anxiety and I was referred to a consultant today as I want to opt for an Elective C Section. She was very pro vaginal birth and told me all the risks of having a c section. From the beginning of my pregnancy I wanted an elective because of my own issues. Anyway she has referred me to counselling and said to see her again at 32 weeks and we will discuss again. She said if I still want to opt for an elective she will support my choice. The question is why do I have to go back to discuss again and what happens if I go into labour before anything has officially been booked in?

Thank you
Hi I'm also a sufferer of extreme aniexty and under consultant.. I'm not anxious about labour as such I actually want a vaginal birth however I NEED a planned birth I want An induction not elective c section ! I saw my consultant last week and she agreed that if I feel same at 35 weeks they will consider to book me in for an induction! I haven't discussed c section Cus it's something I don't want personally ..however first thing she said to me was we won't give you a c section less you need one I said I don't want one ... On the other hand I know a girl who has had elective c section due to panic attacks and aniexty .. She begged them and got her own way! The thing is Hun if you did go into labour before anything booked in they wouldn't rush you to theatre and give you an emergancy c section unless you or baby was at risk ! And they wouldn't book you in till you was at least 37 weeks unless there was a reason you needed one before.. They refer you to counselling they will hope that will sort your issues out and you will agree to a natural birth.. If you go back and still feel same or worse then they prob just book you in and if it happens before then it happens .. My consultant said you can't Control what happens if the baby wants to come she will come but we can try and plan it but it may not work out that way as they may want to come sooner etc .. Xxx
Dealing with anxiety whilst pregnant is a serious challenge. I too have been told I will need to see a consultant if my anxiety keeps rising, which initially went right down when I got pregnant - beforehand I was being affected by my anxiety on a daily basis but since finding out we were pregnant, it was almost like a magic switch had been turned and my anxiety was muted right down. The closer I get to my due date however, the more it rises again.

I know it's easier said than done, I know it's difficult, I know you want to feel in control, but ultimately what 'we' want has to be put aside for the safety of our babies. Ensuring they make it into this world safely and as healthy as possible is the most important thing and the ultimate goal of our health teams and professionals taking care of us.

Don't completely dismiss a natural birth - if anything battling for a c-section whilst it is not medically needed, will only add to your anxiety. Let the counselling team help you, trust the advice, knowledge and ability of the professionals looking after you. They want to help you have the safest birth possible and they want to make sure your baby arrives safely.

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