Consultant visit today


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2006
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I had an appt with my Consultant today.

I had a "trace" of protein in my urine :( so it's been sent off for analysis.

The consultant did a scan on the mobile scanner to check the baby. LO was moving around a bit and sucking his thumb (bless him). He has also flipped back and is now breech again! :doh: Never mind.

The consultant was a little concerned to hear about my dizzy spells as he said my Haemoglobin levels weren't that low. So he's referred me to a Cardiologist for tests. :pray: Hopefully everything will be ok.

I have to go back to see the Consultant in 4 weeks. Got a scan in 2 weeks and in between should have seen the Cardiologist too! I might as well camp at the hospital! LOL.

Hi hun

I hope the protein is alright ive had it through both my pregnancies but aperently its ok . Dont worry too much :hug:

LO still has time to turn . Hope your tests turn out okay ,sorry you have to go back and forth to the hospital so much but at least you will know LO is okay . Good luck with everything
I hope the tests etc come back ok, I'm sure they will do. Finding a trace of protien isn't as bad as it might seem, did you eat before the appointment? That can cause things like that!! I'm sure baby will sort himself out into the correct position soon too....plenty of time to move still :hug:
Hey Sabrina,

Sorry to hear about your trace of protein - I've had this too and nobody seemed unduly concerned - at my last appt it was clear - but was probably the only time I'd made a proper effort to eat properly before doing the urine test so it could just be this as Nicola says.

You must feel a bit like you are being poked and prodded around at the moment, but at least they are taking you seriously and you are getting excellent care.

Not long to go at work too - woo hoo! How is working a couple of days from home working out, has that helped with the dizzy spells?


Valentine xxx
hi huni,

i had protein in my urine as well a couple of weeks ago, it was sent off, and came back ok..

hopefully yours will to, they are just being careful by testing it for further growths..

Glad scan went well, bless i bet he looked cute sucking his thumb

also i had lots of dizzy spells whilst i was pregnant with bradley, and was refered to a cardiologist(Sp), i was admitted as my pulse rate was over 120, double what it should have been, but once baby was born all returned to normal, and this time im just starting to feel it all over again, so it seems we have the same kind of pregnancy at the moment, its just your heart working harder due to carrying lo.. im sure everything will be fine, but i do agree its not nice is it when you feel so ill...

big :hug:
Hi Sabrina. glad LO is ok and also that they're looking into your dizzy spells. Hope everything goes ok x
Thanks everyone. :hug:

I'm not too worried about the tests but I am kinda wishing away the next few weeks.. especially till I officially give up work. Plus if I'm 32+ weeks I'll feel happier that the baby will be ok if he comes early.

Time will tell I guess :)


Good luck with the test results, hope everything is OK, sure it will be. Be good if they can get to the bottom of your dizzy spells, must be a real worry for you. :hug:

Not long till you give up work is it?? though I am sure working form home helps too!

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