consultant tomorrow. update.


Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2007
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my bp was really good this morning :D 130/76 :cheer:

had protein in my urine, but because my bp seems to be under control they are happy to leave me for now :cheer: back next wednesday where they will book an induction if i haven't went by then.. my little man has a week!!! :cheer:

hope everyone is well today :hug:


at 11am :(

i'm still feeling crappy, don't think the blood pressure tablets are working very well because i can still feel my head getting sore during the day - usually a sign my bp's high :(

also keep getting dizzy turns and start sweating and feeling sick :wall: anyways, we'll see what they suggest tomorrow, keep your fingers crossed for me girlies :hug:
hope ur ok.. can i ask u what ur blood pressure is when its high? my whole last pregnancy mines always perfect 110/70 and this pregnancy too but last week at hospital it was 145/87, they didnt say anything about it but i thought that was high??
it does seem quite high. what was it at your booking appointment, because that's what they compare it with?

at my booking mines was about 120/75, now it's around 150/100 and above :?

it's been like this for weeks now, at first they thought it was just a one off. whens your next appointment, keep an eye on it hun :hug:
Aww you poor thing :( :hug: Have a hug :D

Hope all goes well tomorrow, good luck Sara!! xx
Good Luck for today Sara and i hope it all goes well for you :hug:
:cheer: Yeah good news all round then, now you just have to work on that plan to get the lil man evicted.
Glad your appointment went so well Sarah
Come on baby boy :dance: you've got a week to get a wiggle on down south out of mummy exit time to start your journey to the out side world and your mummies loving arms :hug:

sarah :wave:
Good news about your BP :cheer:

Hope your little man comes before your induction date :hug: xx
So glad everything's ok hun! :cheer:

Oh I bet he arrives within the next few days :D xx
sarafet said:
it does seem quite high. what was it at your booking appointment, because that's what they compare it with?

at my booking mines was about 120/75, now it's around 150/100 and above :?

it's been like this for weeks now, at first they thought it was just a one off. whens your next appointment, keep an eye on it hun :hug:

at my booking appointment it was 110/70, its always around that, was meant to see my midwife yesterday but i have a sore throat and dont feel well at all, will try and get somehting sorted..

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