Consultant appointment

Magic Monkey

Well-Known Member
May 29, 2007
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I am off to see the consultant to discuss my big baby! Am really hoping that he says I can have a C-section as the thought of giving birth to a big baby terrifies me! :rotfl:
Good luck, hope it goes your way :hug:
Hello local lass..... :hug:

How big do they think your baby will be? I think this one is smaller than Isla was but im probably about to give birth to a monster!

Do you mind having the baby at PA, i didnt have much of an opinion of them to be honest until recently, i went for a pre eclampsia test and they were so lovely, i might change my mind and go there as its 5 mins in the car from our house.

We really musy meet up after the babies are born..... if youre up for that? :rotfl:
I'm back and he said I just had to wait to go into labour!

Kelly, I was planning to go to PA anyway, as I don't know what to expect and want to have everything on hand just in case. I went into the day unit a couple of wks ago for my growth scan and they were all lovely so I feel a bit better now. I am hoping to go to Broadlands ward so that I get the Hythe experience but with the labour ward just downstairs. I will then transfer back to Hythe if I need to stay in. (that is my plan anyway!)

You never know, we will probably end up next to each other on the ward!!! :rotfl:
Well if they are going to wait for you to go into labour naturally that must be a good sign - your baby can't be mahoooosive, er, can it?!

You sound much more positive about things today Sass :hug:
glad it went well... sorry you have to push though lol

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