Constipation - tried lots of things, need more suggestions


Well-Known Member
Nov 28, 2006
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Baby is really, REALLY constipated. She was fine last week, this weekend didn't poo for 4 days, and then when she did it was like a pebble, and rather large to be that hard. She did 3 yesterday like that, and her poor bottom is so, so sore. For the past couple of days we have been feeding her the sort of diet that really ought to get things shifting - prunes, lentils, lots of watery fruit. Definitely no bananas. She drinks only little sips of water, but we are offering it often and she always has a little bit. She is still breastfed - no formula. Today her poo has been like firm plasticine. She has been gnawing on prunes most of the morning.

Anything else I can do? and anything I can put on her bottom to relieve the soreness?
Have you tried prune juice or apple juice? This might help :?
Hi hun - we had the same trouble with our girl when about 4 months old. The HV said to give her a teaspoon of freshly squeezed orange juice and that shifted things! Perhaps since your girl is older, a tablespoon? Or prune juice. Pear juice is supposed to be very effective too! No banana, it has the opposite effect!

Try adding a teaspoon or two of prune juice to a ounce of cooled boiled water. Also you my hv suggested when Jess was constipated putting vaseline on her bum coz apparently it helps thing to slide out a bit better when they are constipated. Hope this helps xxxxxxxxxx
Hi Hun

Try adding abit of brown sugar to some boiled water, works a treat :D

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