Constipation - sorry...a TMI question...


Active Member
Jun 16, 2008
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I know Constipation is normal, as everything else also seems to be! But, how long is 'OK' before you go?
Sorry, it's a gross subject, but I'm only managing to 'go' once a week - and it's really painful when I do!
I'm eating loads of fibre - even on the prunes now, and loads of water too.

Is it safe for baby if i'm only going weekly?

no idea, personally. i'm completely the other way. been 'going' (lol) a couple of times a day no matter what i eat!
Im the same as charlotte i have the opposite problem due to my crohns but i would suggest you speak to your doc or midwife. I think you can take fibrgel. Im pretty sure it wont effect baby though as the bowels and baby are not connected in anyway. If they were mine would not be a happy baby!

Claire x
Get some lactulose, you can buy it over the counter at the chemist - it just softens things up :oops: doesnt make me go more often just makes it not so painful when I do :oops:

I've tried prunes too and am now drinking prune juice which is vile :puke:
I'm the same twinkle, drinking plenty water, fruit and prune juice :puke: but still lucky to 'go' twice a week. Only thing that seems to get me moving is being nervous about something! Think I'll have to take up public speaking :lol:
sorry hun ive gone the other way too im going all the time xxxx
I used to go once a day! but now thats slowed down to twice a week.
It cant hurt mentioning it but im sure its just one of those things that passes.
Try not to worry it will just be another little "phase" thst we all enjoy through being pregnant.
I used to go twice or three times a day. Then when I got pg, I started just going once a day. Last week I started taking a cup of boiling water with a wedge of lemon squeezed into it every morning, and I am back to my usual twice or three times a day!

So maybe try that... ?

(it also decreases bloating so worth a try)

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