Constipation cures!


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2006
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Hi Ladies!

Had this bad last time with my son and now getting it again! Thing with last time was i didnt go for ages them whammo bad diariah (sp?) sorry if tmi. Very keen to keep things regular this time round. Is anyone using any supplements or can suggest anything baby-friendly. I am having branflakes, drinking lots of water and eating lots of fruit but its not really making any difference

Any suggestions gratefully received!

I have been suffering with constipation on and off too hun and was told to drink lots of fruit juice :hug:
Thanks snuggle - i shall stock up

Oh the joys! Why is it you forget all the bad stuff!! I am now freaking out over 'afterpains' hurt quite bad first time round with me, supposed to get worst!!!
this might sound a bit stupid but i knew nothing about after pains :doh: , didnt get any on my first. But after having number 2 went back to the ward and they started (oh god they sarted) didnt have a clue what was going on, thought i was having another one had to call mw :rotfl: now im sarting to think do they get worse on number 3 :think:
prune juice worked for me, for a little while, now nothing seems to work. hope yours gets better :hug: and stop scaring me with your after pains stories :rotfl: :rotfl: this is my first baby and this is the first i have heard of after pains. oh no, what have i let my self in for :rotfl: :rotfl:
Sorry to start scare-mongering! they are fine with the first one normally and nothing like contractions! I actually liked them in a weird way!!! they were strongest when i was bf-ing and made me feel really emotional and close to my boy!
Definitely Lactulose from the doctor........I wouldnt be without a bottle now :D Its very safe and very gentle and works so well, once you get things moving again (so to speak), you can cut down on the dosage!
sorry u r suffering. I am a big sufferer too and nothing seems to work at all not even lactulose! by yesterday I forced my self to eat some All-Bran. they work better for me than bran flakes as the fiber content is higher. but still no signs. I guess it takes time. but I phoned my Dr and she wants to check me up as I may have piles or something!
hope u feel better soon
i am suffering too glad of the advice! find a good bowl of fruit and fibre used to help me but the milk in the morning makes me :puke: vicious circle.

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