Constantly feeding..!


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2012
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My boy is 6 days old now and has done well so far in terms of latching etc.. But.. I feel like he is constantly cluster feeding!! He is feeding pretty much hourly apart from the odd 2 hour nap throughout the day. Sometimes he is on me for about 2 hours straight (with burping and me trying to get him to settle in between). Is this normal for this early stage and will it eventually settle? I'm absolutely exhausted and VERY sore!

Also, I was going to wait until the recommended 6 weeks before starting to express, but I could really do with getting some help from the oh.. Did anyone else successfully express from earlier and everything was still ok? Xxx
My Lo was the same at this age and still has times when he does it (he's 16 weeks). He started to settle around 3 weeks. Starts doing it again when unwell, teething after injections. I expressed from about day 10 as I was so sore and gave him a bottle and he's never had nipple confusion!
In the early days they feed a lot and i mean a lot. However this settles. If you are very sore though, get latch and tt checked to rule out problems that stop efficient feeding.
It does get much easier i promise

Tapatalking so cant see signatures
Are you using lansinoh nipple cream? It takes a few weeks for latching and the first ten seconds of discomfort to settle! And yes babies feed A LOT to establish supply. So you're doing fab hun. It's worth it I promise. Sleep when baby sleeps if you can. (Advice I was rubbish at taking myself but do try ) xxx
Thanks ladies, glad to hear its not like this forever! I will keep at it. Midwife checked latch and said it was fine, just need my nipples to get tough! I'm using lansinoh cream which helps soothe initially, but one in particular is sooooo sore!

Just ordering my electric expresser and will prob have a 24 hour break to let them heal xxx
Make sure you put cream on before and after each feed hun. X
I remember the second night after our LO was born she just wanted to feed non stop. After over 3hrs I was afraid I was going to fall asleep and drop her I was so exaghsted, I hadnt slept much in 3 days so I had to give her to OH so I could sleep for an hr in the end. I fell asleep with her crying I was so exausted. Yes its pretty normal the first few days are like that but it does get easier and its worth the effort. Hugs.
I expressed from about week 3 but didn't give a bottle till 5 weeks. I felt as if my lo was always feeding and I too was so tired. My lo still likes little and often and is 8 weeks now. It's surprising how much you learn to get done in 2 hours lol. X

I have been expressin from day one, in a hospital and at home. At home have been giving bottle at least once a day with expressed milk. Sounds like you either have low milk or he is colic. To improve milk supply I have been told you need to express after you feed. That way brain is getting a message to produce more milk, as if you had twins. All babies are colic, so try some remedies. Or give him a dummy after you have fed him and he wouldn't settle.
How is it going Claire? Hope things are getting a little easier already. The first weeks are a bit of a challenge for most I think. Every baby is different and it takes a while for baby and mum to be able to settle into a workable routine.
How is it going Claire? Hope things are getting a little easier already. The first weeks are a bit of a challenge for most I think. Every baby is different and it takes a while for baby and mum to be able to settle into a workable routine.

Hi Bunny, already feeling a bit better thankfully. We still don't really have much of a routine, but he is able to feed for longer each time and so is going a little longer between each feed, yay! I also tried expressing yesterday.. Didnt get very much out bit will keep trying. My plan is to express enough during the day so that oh can do the late night feed so I can get sme sleep in before the night feeds. Fingers crossed! Xxxxx
Thats great, you are going in the right direction! It will take a while yet but you'll get there!

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