Constantly feeding


Well-Known Member
Nov 10, 2009
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And i dunno if I am being used as a dummy any more... Toby has literally given me breaks of 10 minutes. My brother is round and he can't pacify him so I think he is trying to feed, I am hating myself as have even resorted to attempting to get him to take a dummy... DH has just suggested formula which I am even more loath, but have a niggling feeling that I should try it...

He is thriving and gaining weight and although has a cold doesn't appear to be struggling to feed... I dunno what to for the best :(

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I know you are looking at expressing, I found zach was more satisfied when I gave him my expressed milk, I don't think he was getting enough off the boob! I also introduced formula and tried to combine, but it really reduced my milk supply and now I have had to move to bottle feeding completely. I gave in and gave him a dummy too, which I think contributed to my milk supply reducing as well, but I wasn't constantly feeding then either. Good luck x
He had 2oz of formula after a feed when DH got home and was a different baby. After this I tried expressing and only got an oz :cry: he then fed while we had skin to skin in the bath and then bed and slept well. Woke at 2 for a feed, fed for an hour and was still hungry so had the oz I had expressed and an oz of formula, slept until 7.30, fed and went back to sleep and is now feeding again so we are back on every 90 mins it seems. I forgot to get the house phone but will phone either the HV or the bf helpline I think...

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Oh dear, hope you can sort something soon, you must be knackered xxx

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