constant sickness dont think i can continue!


Active Member
Feb 4, 2011
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anyone else in my shoes im sick from the minute i get up until i go to bed cant keep anything down and now totally off food :(
yeah it called hyperemesis ive got it too,midwife sent me to epau where i had an injection to stop it, doc also put me on anti sickness tablets, its helped ALOT
Can totally sympathize! I've got a sick phobia so managing to stop myself from being sick but it's very hard and I've become a hermit not being able to go anywhere. I've basically given up eating! Today has been my best day for two weeks and I've managed a little food and not felt sick every minute of today so there is hope! Normally I would be chuffed at losing a stone, not been this weight in years! Keep to nibbling on plain food and sip water all day. Ive got lillipops as well which are nice and refreshing and I don't take my sickness bands off even at night, I feel they help even if it's just in my head! Also tried making Ginger tea which some people think helps but it turned my stomach. Making my daughters tea is the hardest job, she's had lots of food that takes no preparing! Roll on tri 2 eh?
Aw bless you, I've been the same as you since week 6, ended up in hospital on a drip. Unfortunately it hasnt eased off until yesterday first time I've felt anywhere near normal, but some people are ok at 9/10 weeks. Best thing is to eat and drink even if its not staying down long as you will absorb some, also try your gp and get some anti sickness drugs they do take the edge off and allow u to keep some food and drink down, good tip from the consultant at the hospital was don't swallow the anti sickness pill if u think u will just throw it up instead tuck it between your cheek and jaw until its dissolved that way you absorb it so it will work even if your sick.
It does get you down hon, I've never felt so low and desparate as I have the last 6 weeks but you have to focus on the fact it will pass eventually and its because your having a beautiful baby!! Your not alone hon and even on your darkest days be strong it will pass.
I have been fairly lucky with the feeling ill thing until today.... Trying to eat my breakfast but just want to throw it up. :-(

How on earth are we suppose to continue with our day job feeling like this..... have two hours of meetings to go into now.. Not sure how I will be able to keep my head in the job for that long...
Big hugs to everyone on this thread!!

I'm feeling exactly the same as you all, its really getting me down, i've been feeling sick all day every day since I fell. I am really dehydrated but still managing to keep down at least 1 meal a day, and on the times i feel ok, im making the most of it and eating.

For me its definately to do with hunger, i have the need to purge along with extreme hunger pangs, so i know my stomach needs food. I find it best to get up in the morning, get the sickness over with, then sit for a wee while before doing anything, then a cup of tea and 2 digestives or 1 slice toast (normally force it down but feel better after)before getting ready, alot of the time the physical retching has gone by then and its just an iffy feeling.

Bunnykins, you have no idea how grateful I am that you posted the tip about the tablets, i've been throwing my tablets up and wondering how on earth they're meant to help if they keep coming up. Does it definately work the same way doing it like that? I always thought they had to be dissolved in the stomach.
I think so it seems to work, once you get a few doses in ur system it really helps and u should be able to take them without being sick x
it dont always go in tri two hun most people who r in tri two still have the sickness i am so sorry but not all people sickness goes

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