Constance Hazel Drury-Larkin 16.08.08


Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2007
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Started getting back twinges every 30 minutes and more slimy gunk on the Friday (15th) morning which I wasn't sure about and thought maybe I had pulled something. Had a bath and got dressed as normal and back pains went so assumed it was nothing. By the evening the pain had turned into back cramps which I had to breath through but it was hardly anything so went to bed at midnight after writing an update on here. DH and I made sure we had everything ready and clothes out just in case.

Woke at 2am as I felt something "pop" inside, laid there for a minute thinking I had imagined it or maybe baby had kicked then started to get a trickle. Woke up DH and he jumped out of bed, got me a towel to go between my legs and I waddled to the loo where a load more gunk and a little blood :puke: was coming out.

Still felt ok and pains were a little more intense (all in the back :( ) every 6 minutes but still could walk and talk ok. Phoned hospital at 2.30am and spoke to them and pains become less painful while on the phone so mw said to go back to bed but to come in at by 6am to be checked. I said to DH there was no way I was going to be able to sleep so ran a bath so I felt clean and told DH go back to bed but he didn't.

We carried on timing them while in the bath and became about every 5 minutes by 3.30am so got out to get dressed and that was when it became VERY painful. I sat on the bed trying to dry my hair but the contractions were every 3 minutes all of a sudden and I couldn't move as I thought my back was going to break :( . DH was very good, helped me breathe them while helping me dry hair (I really should have left it :roll: ). by 4am they were every 2-3 minutes and he was getting a skirt on me and about to ring the hospital to say we were on our way and I suddenly said I wanted to push :shock: :shock: :shock: !!!!!!!! He looked panic stricken and said "no you're not" rung hospital dragged me off the bed and downstairs, had to sit on the sofa as had another contraction and couldn't stand up as my back kept going. He Got me in the car.

The drive up there was only 10 minutes and I still had the wanting to push feeling but managed not to (it really hurt :( ). Got to a set of red traffic lights and I screamed at him to go through them as he was going to stop :rotfl: . Pulled up outside A&E got me a wheelchair and put me in it. I was trying not push still but I think I was a little bit as I could feel water being forced out every contraction (1 minute apart now) and I thought I had wet myself :oops: .

Got to the labour ward at 5am and they put me straight into a room, got from wheelchair to bed wth help of DH (my back still felt like it was gon to break :( ) and told mw I wanted drugs if possible. She examined me and I was 9 and a 1/2 cms dilated :shock: :D . I obviously knew then it was to late for drugs :( . I told her I felt I wanted to push but she said I had to wait for the last 1/2 cm.

For 1/2 an hour I didn't push and it was the hardest thing not to and I was making a racket and groaning and sucking on the gas and air. She came back and said I could start and it such a relief as I could push away the pains. I pushed for 50 minutes and she was stuck behind my pubic bone so mw went to get doc. She emptied my bladder with a catheter and said she would have to get her out (suction thing I assumed they meant) but I managed to find some fresh determination and pushed and mw said head was poking out. She told me to listen to her as she came out and do little pushes which I did. As she was coming out she was eyes up and mw called her a star gazer :lol: . Delivered straight onto me at 7.35am, weight 7lbs. 1 hour and 20 minutes of pushing. She had a little cry then just lie on me with her eyes open. :D .

From waters breaking to delivery was 5 and 1/2 hours so very quick. I was shocked at how much the contractions hurt and how sudden it all started. I couldn't feel pains in the bump as I was expecting but all in the back like it was in a vice and pushing her out was nothing compared to the contractions.

Congrats, I love her name :D

I had to breathe through the urge to push as I still had a tiny bit of cervix left too, I agree that it is bloody hard work- I was so noisy and out of it.

Alex xxx
Huge congratulations huni, a lovely story :hug: She is beautiful x :clap: :cheer:
OMG i didnt even know you'd given birth!! How did i miss that!!

Congrats hun, she's beautiful!!

I was also told not to push due to cervix and it was awful!! My body was pushing and i was trying to stop it!
Corrr! That was very speedy! I bet the urge to push was so hard to control :hug:

Sounds like you did a brilliant job getting to 9.5cm dilated with no pain relief you bloody star!!

:cheer: Might I add - She's gorgeous!!!! x
Congratulations! :cheer: What a gorgeous little girl and sounds like a wonderful delivery!

All the best,

Sarah x
Great birth story..thanks for sharing it and I did not even realise you had had her...congratulations - she is gorgeous!!
Congratulations hun, i didn't realise you had given birth either, might be because i would have been prowling round the house having my contractions while you were pushng your little lady into the world.

Shes beautiful and a HUGE well done to you to getting to the hospital at 9 1/2 cm :shock: without any pain relief xxx
:D Oh wow! You did so good! Congratulations shes beautiful! xx

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