confuzzled and worried about faith!!


Well-Known Member
Apr 26, 2006
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hiya ladies where do i start!!
faith was rushed to hospital again sunday night because she was choking and couldnt breath again she had thick clear mucus in her mouth and was chocking on it!!
well the hospital were useless told me it was totally normal well i rang faiths G.P and said i was worried about her and asked if she could be lactose intolorant he said maybe and he perscribed me some sma wysoy well she is not at all intrested in her feeds she is really misrable and gets really upset and jumps and is always scared! i really cannot bare seeing her upset anymore its really upsetting me!!
anyone had this problem or know what i can do?? :cry:
Aww hunny, im sorry I have no advice but I just wanted to send you love and hug :hug: I hope things will get better soon :hug:
I don't really know what to say hun but I would keep on with the docs. Is it normal for a baby to chock on mucus :? I would say not, they must be able to do something, do tests to find out what's going on. Be persistent with them.
i dunno what to say.. . :hug: but just wanted to give you a hug..
nicki said:
Be persistent with them.

I agree, and if you don't have much luck with your gp, take her up a&e everytime she seems bad. Ive already said on msn, but Its suprising how much attention your GP will pay after he has been charged a grand everytime you go to hospital :wink:

give faith a get-well-soon cuddle from me and alice :hug:
You know your daughter best, keep going to the doctor until you're satisfied. :hug:
oh bless you. this sounds frightening. we are suspecting luke is lactose intolerant but he has never done this, he generally just has such pain after feeds and has a rumbly tummy and can't get rid of his wind.

i don't want to put ideas in your head but could she be bringing back her milk and it getting caught in her throat therefore making her choke? possibly reflux? is she in a lot of pain?

lots of hugs xx :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
I had an instance of this once with Ruby, we were walking in the park, she was asleep in her pram and suddenly started choking, there was thick clear mucus coming from her mouth and she was wide eyed, and struggling to catch her breath...I raced her to the hozzie which luckily was round the corner, and I was in tears, she was asleep by the time we got there, and I was terrified she would stop breathing....they checked her over and said she was fine. I have never been so scared in my life, and I was on tenderhooks for days but it was a one off, and thank God hasnt happened again since :pray: I spoke to another mum at my mum and baby group, her little boy had exactly the same experience and her doctor told her it was just mucus coming off the lungs from when they were in womb?? :think: :?

Big hugs xxxx

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