Worried :(


Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2007
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For the last couple of weeks Maisy hasn't been her usual self. A week ago she woke up screaming in the night, when i picked her up i noticed she had a rash on her kneck, all down her back and on her legs so I called the NHS emergency line, who said to take her straight to hospital. An hour later we were seen and we given some cream and told to give her Calpol. I've been using the cream for over a week and it seems to be getting worse :( .

We had a very unsettled night with DD on Friday night- wouldn't settle, was being sick every 3-4 of hours ect.. So early hours of Saturday morning took her back to the hospital and was told she had a 24 hour tummy bug. I asked the nurse to look at the rash and she said keep using the cream and it will be gone within a few days. I was told exactly the same thing a week ago :x

Last night she got worse- high temperature, very unsettled, not interested in milk or anything :( One again, I took her straight back to the hospital, we were kept waiting for THREE hours :x then got seen to. The doctor went off to find something..after 3 hours of my OH askking doctor after doctor where out doctor had got to..she returned.. and once again told that 'Maisy has a 24hr tummy bug' :x

The rash has now got worse, she has a high temperature, very unsettled and doesn't look well at all :( Waiting for my OH to get back from the chemist and we are going back to that hospital and im going to go absolutley mad!!!.

This probably doesn't make sense. I'm just soo upset right now and needed to write it down somewhere :( I just hope the doctor we see this time can tell me exactly what is wrong with my baby :(
awww hunni hospitals can b shit but id deff take bubs back and demand they do something , babies should b piority

i want 2 give u lots of these :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
hope LO is better soon xxx
oww no i hope she is okay she doesnt sound right to me :? :? :? i agree that a mothers instinct is right and if u feel she is ill then ur prob right.

last september my LO was ill very high temp/shivering/vomiting/sweating and it took 3 visits to our GP, 3 out of hours visitis where i was told nothing was wrong even tho he had a temp of 39.8 :shock: then it took 4 docs on childrens unit to diagnose sever tonsilitis i was fuming becuase he had suffered for 5 days with it and i was getting fobbed off when i KNEW he was ill..
so i say follow ur heart u know ur baby :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Oh gosh how horrible! I would refuse to leave until they listen to what you are saying! How can it be a 24h bug that lasts 2 weeks!!???
I hope someone looks and listens properly to you this time hun! :hug: :hug: :hug:
:shock: :shock: Gosh!! I'm not surprised you're worried...hope you get some answers and your LO feels better soon.
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Insist that they look at her medical records so that they can see this 24 hour bug has been going on for far too long. If nothing else they should be concerned about dehydration.
i just noticed its her birthday as well :( poor little thing.
i hope she picks up soon xxx
:( poor bubba!

omg I cannot believe the hospital fobbed you off like that! ridiculous! have you taken your LO to the gp? maybe they will take you more seriously as they are less busy, and be able to give a proper diagnosis!

get well soon LO :hug:
My son has had this to. I was told it was a viral infection and it can last anything from 24hrs to 2 weeks! He was sick, clingy, wouldnt eat and basically a nightmare for exactly two weeks then it passed but the rash didnt go until about 3 weeks and his appetite picked up after 4 weeks! Its very common and they're horrible things. the doctors see these virus's so much they just fob the parents off and look at you as if to say its only a virus. to some extent they are right but come on! its very scary for a mum when their child is so poorly and your not use to it. i hate it when doctors are so insensitive. :x

I hope she feels better soon and its doesnt last too long :(
Sage said:
My son has had this to. I was told it was a viral infection and it can last anything from 24hrs to 2 weeks! He was sick, clingy, wouldnt eat and basically a nightmare for exactly two weeks then it passed but the rash didnt go until about 3 weeks and his appetite picked up after 4 weeks! Its very common and they're horrible things. the doctors see these virus's so much they just fob the parents off and look at you as if to say its only a virus. to some extent they are right but come on! its very scary for a mum when their child is so poorly and your not use to it. i hate it when doctors are so insensitive. :x

I hope she feels better soon and its doesnt last too long :(

This is exactly what she has. :hug:
The major part of it lasted at least 2 weeks. but the rash stayed for 3 weeks and he hardly ate a thing for 4 weeks! It scared me to death the first time but hes had it again since and im "use" to him having viral infections now if that makes sense. try not to worry. It will pass. The doctors cant really give you anything for it. so keep up the dosages of calpol and hugs! It always seems alot worse than it is when your baby is ill, you'd do anything for you to be poorly for them! she'll be fine soon :hug:

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