Confussled about dates :/


Well-Known Member
Jun 25, 2012
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All the EDD calculators say different things...

The ones that just ask for the date of your lmp say that I'm 5w3d pregnant. The ones that ask for lmp and cycle length say I'm 4w6d because my cycles are 32 days long.

So because the midwife just uses your lmp as an estimate for when to book you in and send you for a scan, does that mean I'll probably be a week-ish behind what they estimate me to be?

I THINK I ov'd on cd18, so tomorrow will be 3 weeks since then. Which would make me 5 weeks tomorrow, right? Not 5 weeks 4 days?

It's bothering me because I want to have a reassurance scan before my birthday party on 26th and I don't want to waste all that money if it's too early to see a hb :/

Help, please :'(
I would go by your conception date & add 2weeks on to that.. They will give you a EDD at your scan anyway :)

I'm worried because I'd like to have a scan about a week before the party so would only be about 6 weeks then :/
That's 2 weeks away, if ur about 6 weeks ul see what looks like a tiny peanut with a wee
Flickering heartbeat!! Just try and get ur reassurance scan as late as poss but u should see something! Xxx
At 6weeks you should see a heartbeat!!

At 5weeks & 3days they saw a sac & a yolk sac then at 7weeks & 4days a tiny baby with a heartbeat wiggling around..

Thanks for the reassurance! :)
The day I'd like to book the scan for I'll be 6w3d. That's late enough to see a heartbeat, isn't it?

Here is mine at 6 weeks! Xx
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My cycles are long too (up to 36 days some months) but my due date is only 2 days out from what they calculated from lmp. I thought it would be maybe a week different but wasn't the case. xxx
Mylullaby, that is VERY interesting! I wonder why?! If that were the case for me that would be amazing! I know it's only 4 days difference, but that a lot in the scary early weeks!
It's hard to say isn't it? I obviously went by lmp days until 12 week scan but was sure my due date would be out by pretty much a week. I was so shocked when it wasn't. No idea what happened. Hadn't been tracking ov but according to ewcm things looked like they were tying in with a normal longish cycle so who knows what happened. I just put it down to our bodies rarely working according to the textbooks and that's it really, lol. xx

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