Confusion (and hormones!) reign


Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2016
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Hi all,

My Dr says I'm 7 weeks based on my last period but I think I can only be 3. My scan is booked for the beginning of March by which time I reckon I'll be about 8 weeks, has anyone been scanned at "12 weeks" to find they aren't? Will it be able to pick up heartbeat etc at 8 weeks?

This is my first and I'm feeling very strange, am obviously over the moon but I don't want to tell anyone yet given its still very early, so apart from my bf I'm not able to talk to anyone which is frustrating! We are waiting until we think I'm 6 weeks before telling the parents but I'm not telling anyone else until after the scan.

I'm also feeling nauseous sometimes but not sure if it's morning sickness or just me winding myself up with nerves/excitement/about not talking to anyone/not knowing actually how far along I am/googling everything I eat to make sure it's safe/googling in general!!!

Please tell me this is normal?!?! :eh:
Thank you!
Last period was 5th Dec. We weren't actively trying until start of Jan, which was the day I was due on, which never came! I did a positive test a week later and then another 3 days after that.
Obviously told the Dr this but she said they always go from last period which I can understand.
Thank you!
Last period was 5th Dec. We weren't actively trying until start of Jan, which was the day I was due on, which never came! I did a positive test a week later and then another 3 days after that.
Obviously told the Dr this but she said they always go from last period which I can understand.

My LMP was also 5th Dec, I am 7 weeks and 1 day pregnant xxx
I had a scan at 8 weeks. You hear a heartbeat and your little one even starts looking like a baby by then. We saw a body and head and the arms and legs that start growing :-) But why shouldn't you be 12 weeks by your scan? With my first I stopped taking the pill and was immediately pregnant, so it can go quick!
Yeah you're 7 weeks hun, you prob conceived somewhere around 19th Dec if you have a 'normal' cycle. I had a scan at 6w1d and could see the heartbeat even though bubs was tiny x
Thanks everyone, makes me feel a bit calmer and less confused! Not wanting to tell anyone yet means I've not got anyone to talk to, how I'm managing to keep schtum I'll never know, especially when two friends have just given birth!
I only say I think I'll be 8 weeks by then as I know when we definitely tried. It's possible we had a little accident before then but I wouldn't be able to guess when! x

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