Confusing symptom


Active Member
Oct 13, 2006
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I posted a while back about having symptoms, while still on the pill, but my AF appeared and was very normal. However (sorry for TMI) my nipples keep getting darker, but only for around an hour or so, and then they'll return to normal. But I've been looking around for what else it could be, and there doesn't seem to be anything. I'm on Microgynon30, and also Mefenamic Acid tablets for possible endo, but none say that this would be a side effect. I'm just wondering if anyone knows what else it could possibly be?

Hun im sorry i dont know what this coudl be i hope you figure it out, good luck
:) Katrina
Thanks anyway.
My veins on my breasts are very visible at the moment, I didn't notice this until today when I was trying on a new bra in Primark.
But after having an AF, pregnancy isn't possible as I'm still on the pill, is it? :doh: I just can't seem to find out what else this is.
I've been having straight feelings in my abdomen all day today, almost like period pains but not painful at all, just strange. Looks like I'm going to have to take a test.
:wave: hi

i would test if i was i became pregnant on the pill (same one as you actually) you dont have a real period when you are on the pill its just a withdrawal you will still get a period if you've carried on wth your pill as usual! so missed period isnt a symptom! i only got darker and more veiny nipples much further on in my pregnancy the first thing i noticed was everything smelling so strong and a dizzy feeling! also smoking mademe feel really ill!
Thanks for your advice, I've became worried now, and don't know whether to stop taking the pill so that I can see if I have a period?
My boyfriend is going to go and buy a pregnancy test today, would the pill effect that? Is there anything else I need to stay away from incase it effects the test?

I dont think the pill would affect the test . Wish you all the best
Well, just finished taking a test, and got a BFN. Completely blank, no lines at all. Which I guess is what I wanted, but now I'm even more confused *sigh*
Thanks for all your help everyone.
Hi Autaven, I'm sorry you're getting negatives, it seems like you wanted this to happen. Maybe this pill is not compatible with your body, giving you weird symptoms etc?

I read your other post, you are mentionning you haven't been sexually active with your bf, not fully that is... If that's correct and unless there was sp*rm near your vagina, then I can't see how you would be pregnant hun :? Am sorry this is not what you want to hear... Just trying to give you my point of view.

If you want to start ttc you can always talk to your bf about this? It sounds like a new relationship though so maybe try and enjoy it without any ttc worries yet?

Thanks for your input :)
See I was panicing because I'd missed a pill, and there was quite a lot of sp*rm at my vagina opening (sorry for TMI :( ). And with all these symptoms it seemed probable.
But I'm going to stick around here anyway, as everyone has been very helpful and I love reading the posts, and I'll update you all if/when we're ready to TTC.
Thanks everyone!

Just thought ide wish you luck for your future

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