Could this be a symptom????


Well-Known Member
Jul 19, 2007
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It's only 3 days until evil AF is due and I'm trying my hardest not to symptom spot this month.........honest!!! :oops: :?

However... for the past 3 days I've had really really really sore nipples (sorry if TMI), and I don't just mean sore I mean REALLY sore!!

Sore to the point that they hurt when water runs over them in the shower and if I so much as brush my arm up against them they hurt. Driving to work this morning was agony with my seatbelt on.!! I had to wear it up around my neck like I was trying to hang myself so it didn't touch my nipples!!!! :rotfl: :rotfl:

Now I've heard that sore bbs can be a symptom but never just the nipples but they've never felt like this before.....ever. What makes it worse as my DH asked his lady boss if she knew she was pg before she'd taken a test and she said yes because her nipples were really sore so he's now convinced I'm pg.

Apart from headaches I've not had any other symptoms of PG or AF so I don't know what's going on.

Is sore nipples a possibilty or is it just bbs and I'm looking for symptoms that aren't there?????

:hug: :hug: :hug:
Hey Hunni :wave:

5 of my friends have had really really sore nipples before they found out they were pregnant, you should test in soon!!! im going through the same, Nipples hurt, other day i nearly started crying when went over a speed bump lol!!!

Good Luck :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
oooh that sounds so promising hun, id do a test when you can with FMU!

Good Luck :hug:
OMG I'm a bit excited!!!! :dance:

I just thought DH was making that up I'd never heard anyone having sore nipples before finding out they were pg..... I just thought it was whole bbs that had to be hurting.

I'm not due until Sunday but I might do a cheeky test tomorrow morning and see what I get so I don't have to leave you all in suspense over the weekend.

OMG!!!! :hug: :hug:
Sounds promising chick!! I will keep my fingers crossed for you!! my nipples are extremely sore too this month so I got a bit excited then!!!

We can but hope we get BFPs eh!!

Good luck!!! Let us know the outcome!!

:hug: Good luck Chrissy, hope you get your BFP. fingers crossed for
arr thanks ladies.

I'm wanting tomorrow morning to hurry up now!!

Even though I know that it's is probably still too early to get a BFP even if I was PG but I live in hope.... :roll:
:hug: Aaah, I always get nervous/ excited before testing. Keep us posted on the result. If you do get a BFN it might still be too early so don't give up.xxxxxxxxxx
Hi Chrissy!!
My nipples were and still are bbs dont hurt at all, they feel a bit heavy but it is the nips for me...sore and tingly...can't stand hubby touching them and usually i love it! :oops:
ooohhh good luck :hug:
Ps - TEST!!!
I got my bfp 5 days before my period (was v faint) then got darker every brand is tescos..much easier to define line than ebay cheapies...test!!!! :pray:
iv had sore nipples since I found out but never the sore boobs thing so sounds promising!!
Hope its a bfp for u hun!!!
sounds like it... AF was late.. but didn't think anything of it as i had been late before.. was only when my boobs/nipples got sore.. i decided to test....
Do you have any idea what dpo you are? I tested when i was only 11dpo and got a bfp on a tesco's so definatelt try and use one of those

Good Luck x x x
Good luck! I got sore nipples last month then AF arrived :x , a symptom i dont usually get so got really excited, i now have another to add to my AF list, i thinking coming off the pill can give you have an effect on symptoms too

Fingers crosses you get your BFP :pray:
Just updated on a new post but I tested this morning with FMu and it was a BFN :(

AF isn't due until Sunday so I'm going to see what happens over the weekend.

I used an ebay cheapie this morning so I'm going to get some decent ones and I'm hoping she doesn't turn up.

Hi, on the nipple issue mone aren't sore however they do seem to be a little more erm,..prominent the last couple of days. :oops: ..and its not even that cold....any ideas???
I have however started to get a little bachache so prob just another hint AF on her way... (AF due Mon) :roll:


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