

Well-Known Member
Nov 20, 2010
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well well well, i am 1 day late - i have a 34 day cycle and im now on day 36 with lots of :bfn:
so i had a BFN this morning is mother nature just playing with me??? bet the witch is just playing some sick joke!!
any advice or support would be great?!
Hey hun, I don't really know what to say except that I hope the witch stays away for you! Got my bat at the ready! ;)

Some women didn't get BFPs til they were further on, what tests are you using hun? x
I was using the Clearblue 1s but i thought it was AF coming so i picked up some sainsburys cheap ones yesterday!
if still no AF then ill get some first response 1s today they are the best 1s yeah??
I've heard FR's are the best so they are what I would use. Try not to worry too much hun. Hope it's a shy BFP for you! :) x x
i had loads of so called symptoms but i get most of them for AF!!
6+7 DPO grumpy, sore boobs, acne
8 DPO acid reflux sore boobs, acne, nausea
9 DPO really heavy boobs, acne + back ache
10 DPO acne, sore boobs
11 DPO acne, bodyaches, bloating, heavy + sore boobs
12 DPO acne, tender boobs
13 dpo cramps like af was coming - moody
:bfn:again with a first response - granted its not the first morning urine
ill just have to wait and see - tomorrow morning ill do another if still no AF

gun to the :witch:

FX its the a Shy BFP X
Well I didn't test today cos I can't face any more bfn!! I'm in work for 14.5 hrs today so that will keep my mind busy!! Well Af has stayed away 2 days late now do cycle day 37!! Jus wait an see x x
:bfn:again!! and this 1 was 1st morning urine and i didnt go in the night so it was at least 7hrs since i last went!!
still no AF too which is great but im still soo confused!!

ive phoned my gp practice and a nurse will ring me at 12.20 for an advice call- hopefully shell say i can go for a blood test or something cos this is ridiculous!! i need to know i way or the other!! :wall:

hopefully ill be like me sister and she didnt get a postivive at home until 8 weeks but ill go crazy by then so i want a blood test cos they definetly be able to tell surely?!! :shock:

well fingers crossed the :witch:stays away - i dont have any cramping anymore and no AF symptoms at all x x
Sorry it was a bfn hunny, ive got my fingers and toes crossed for you.

Hope you get some answers from the docs, keep us posted how your get on x x

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thank you girls - ive just had to phone my sister and see what happened with her cos i think im going crazy! i didnt want to tell her this early but i had to i cant take it anymore and we are very close would probs tell her quite early anyways lol!!

she said she didnt get a positive until 7wks and 3 days!! and all way through her prenancy the hornmone was on the lower side but not worryingly low!! maybe it runs in families i dont know but hopefully ill get my shy BFP at some point!!
Well i spoke to the nurse she said i just have to wait - test every 48hrs and just wait!!
i have to miss 2 periods before they will do anything at the GP!!
well i am very impatient person so this is killing me!!
i hope my jellybean doesnt take too long to show BFP or if the witch is just playing with me then hurry up and put me out of my misery!!
cycle day 38- so 4 days late - and if and thats a big if i am 5wks and 2 days pregnant x x
i know the feelin hun! ive taken 3-4 tests and still BFN! gettin inplantation bleddin though so should be a good sign :)

good luck sweet! :)
Jus had some brown discharge only on wiping!! I was gutted!!
Hubby got home - I burst into tears, silly I know!
Hopefully it's jus early pregnancy spotting but deep down I know it's the :witch: coming and definitely was playing tricks on me!!
It's the :witch: :cry:
Really thought this was it but no mother nature just playing tricks on me!!
Birthday next month hopefully that will be my month x
To work for 14.5hrs now wonderful - chin up x mustn't lose hope x

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