Confused!....UPDATE NTNP


Well-Known Member
Nov 20, 2009
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So Sorry if this is in the wrong section but just couldnt fugure where else to put it really!

Me and hubby have decided to ttc after christmas, i would have started months ago but jason wanted to wait.
Anyway....i have been having irregular periods for quite some time now so have decided to keep track of them and see if i can spot signs of ovulation just for when the time comes for us.
Today i spotted some signs and told hubby i think i am ovulating and explained why then tonight we were having a little fumble and started to dtd when i asked if he was getting a condom he just said NOPE :shock: (mood killer i know! :roll:)

I am just a little confused as he is the one saying we should wait, all we use right now are condoms so not using one is silly really if we are meant to be wtt especially after me telling him about Ovulation!

Im dont know if i should think anything of it or if this means he isnt bothered about waiting anymore although he says he is but with jason he will never go back on his word :roll: stubborn man!

Sorry for rambling a little and im not sure what can be said back to this but any replies welcome :)

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Maybe he is just letting whatever happens happen. He might be thinking about what you want more than anything, and thinking what you want to hear is that he wants to wait. Men are so annoying and complicated you can never really tell why they are doing what they do. lol
thanks for the quick reply!

Men are soooo annoying, why can't he just say what he wants and stick to it!

but if i am honest i am tempted to just him get on with doing that :lol:
Do it. If he isnt using anything then dont remind him to and get baby making :p

Just let nature take its course and it will happen when its meant to.

My OH has just totally gone back on his word and we are going to be letting what will be, be for the next few months, rather than wait til after xmas. Maybe your OH doesn't want the pressure of TTC 'officially' and wants to just enjoy sex, protection free for a while. If you want a LO go for it, he knows the risks, just see what happens. Christmas isn't that far away, maybe you'll just be a few months early! Good luck hunny xxx
We did the same thing this morning! :lol:
I have spoken to him about it though and he told me what will be will be and he knew it was ovulation time and its OK! :)

I dont know what to do now, are we trying, not trying but not preventing?? haha i can only ask him so much, he is a typical man an goes off on one asking me to stop pestering him! :lol:
I would say your Not trying to protecting, men are Funny creatures! i told OH earlier i may have my implant taken out, he was 'does that mean your ready for Another baby' he's the once who apparently wanted to wait! xx
Hey hun, my OH was actually the one to suggest we start trying for our 1st, which I was thrilled about but we still aren't using the term 'trying'. I think it puts pressure on and they are just happy when the miracle happens. Good luck xxx
so i spoke to hubby before as thought it best i share my confusion with him even though i know i am in his words a "nag" :roll:

Anyhoo, he told me he does sort of feel pressure counting down the days until we can start ttc and said he would much rather in his mind just stop using condoms and let nature take its course! :) So he told me we are not using anything as of last night :dance:

I know we are NTNP but to me its sort of like trying NOW!! haha anyway just thought i would update :)

I'm in exactly the same boat hun, we are officially NTNP, but in my mind I am working out when I'm ovulating and counting down the 2WW!! This is why this forum is such a lifesaver because I think my OH would get stressed about the whole thing if I talked to him about ovulating. I think it's good to be relaxed and enjoy trying but be aware of your cycles to maximise your chances.

Did you fall easy with your first? We are using SMEP this month as it seems pretty simple and effective.

Good luck xx :dust: :dust: :dust:
my first was a real happy surprise. I had only just come off the pill to change to another form of contraception so we didnt really "try" for her so this is all totally new, i sort of feel in the deep end with it all tbh :roll:
I was thinking of doing the same as you as at least we have the girls on here to vent to about the things our OH's get too stressed and uncomfortable talking about!

BTW does this mean i move over to ttc now? :lol:

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