confused confused and more confused!


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2010
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morning guys, so ive been trying to work ut when my af is due. My mc started on 13 april so im taking that as the first day of af as such. Im now on cd34, ive got bfns when ive tested. Ive got period pain but no period too! Plus im now getting ewcm. I know it can take 4 to 6 weeks to get af so could i be ovul late? Im soo confused! About 1 week ago i got ewcm but with a little dark brown blood tmi now nothing, excpet ewcm is back!grr!!
Hi, You could be ovulating later or be ovulating at normal time but you cycle didn't start when you expected it. They say your new cycle cannot start till the HCG levels have returned to zero.

I had a D&C , so used that day as the day to count my new cycle from, and 26 days later it arrived, but mine was a missed MC so I am guessing had already had the hormones reducing for a few weeks and had to wait till nearly 12 weeks gone for the D&C , so my HCG levels would have been much quicker to go from my system than I imagine a natural MC. Perhaps your HCG levels took an extra week or two to drop after the MC and then the cycle started and your ovulating now? You may want to get cracking just incase! Do you have any ovulation tests?

The only other options I can think of are -you are pregnant again and too early for a BFP, or your cycle was longer and Period not due yet.

Wishing you all the luck this month X
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hey hun when i had my mmc my cycle after was much longer it hurt through out like crampy pains and i always expcted af to show i even had a scan as it was over 30 days since the mmc and still no period it showed everything was normal and at day 38 af arrived unannouced and first thing in the morning!! xxxx
thanks guys. Not using ovulation sticks at the mo. Mine was a natural mc. After 8 days from being told i had a mc i did an hpt and was neg! I just not sure if ive ovulated, ovulating now or what! So confused lol!got signs like hot flushes, back aache, big veins, headaches but wwho knows!

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