Confused by midwife appointment, Advice needed please!


Well-Known Member
Dec 31, 2006
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Hello all!
im very confused i had my 1st midwife appointment yesterday and she booked my 12 week scan and a tripple test to check for down syndrome, she also offered me another scan, nuchal or something like that! but i would have to travel to london as my hospital dont do it here, what i dont understand is if i do decide to go to london will i still get a 12 week scan, and whats the differance between the two scans, and what was your choice of scan/test? she has booked me for a 12 week scan on the 26th and a tripple test,
thanks in advance xxxxxxxx
if i decide on having the london one i need to ring her by tomorrow afternoon!
:think: im so confused
I chose not to have the down syndrome scan because it wouldn't make a difference to me if it did have downs. Its my baby and I will love it no matter what. I suppose some people like to know so they can be better prepared for it but it depends on how you would feel if your baby had down syndrome. I'm just having the normal scans.

The 12 week Scan is the regular one that we all get.... they check for the correct dates that your baby would be due and that everything is as it should be (as much as they can tell) they also check you placenta etc.

You should then get offered another one of these around 20 - 22 weeks.

The other Nuch scan she offered is to test for Downs........ I decided not to have this done so not sure what it entials.......... but it has to be done around a certaind ate where if I am right, they check the thickness of the neck etc...

Lots of girls on here have had it done and I am sure that they will be able to give you plenty of helpful advice.

The MW should have given you a leaflet explaining it all...... it really is your choice whether or not you have it.......

Like Vicky my DH and I decided that we would have the baby whatever the circumstances and so decided not to have the test, even though we are in ahigh risk group because of my age..........

but this really is your choice ...........
I had the nuchal scan DURING my 12 week scan, I wasn't offered them seperate, I just had the 12 week dating scan and she asked "do you want the nuchal scan done just now too" I agreed simply so I could watch Pudding wiggle around on the screen a little longer.
For some reason we can't get the nuchal in Brighton and Hove so my midwife has booked an appointment at Kings Hospital in London and said I can cancel it if I want to so we are thinking about it. I am 28 so not a high risk but OH is wanting me to get every test going, he is being a nightmare at the moment!!

It's entirely up to you whether you go or not, it is a fair way to go to get it. It might be worth doing what I have done, book it in and then you have more time to decide and if you don't want it, just cancel it.

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