Confused - Birthing options


Well-Known Member
Dec 9, 2009
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I had orginally thought that I wanted as natural a birth as possible with G&A. I just don't like the idea of the epidual, not being able to feel anything etc. Lately, I've been thinking that perhaps a water birth could be an option.

However, having watching "one born every minute" last night and seeing the huge difference the epidural made to the girl in labour, I'm beginning to wonder whether I am crazy to think about not having one!!!

Can anyone give me some advice from personal experience?

Many thank x
I have had one birth with and one without. There is no denying that if the epidural works for you it can be very effective. For me the epidural meant very slow progress. 16 hours on my back and by the time I wa fully dilated and ready to push I was exhausted. My baby became distressed (in their opinion) and so she was pulled out with forceps and I had to have an episiotomy to facilitate that.

With my second baby I knew I didnt want it to be the way it was with my first - so from a very early stage I knew I didnt want an epidural. I drummed it into my hubby that even if I got to a point where I asked for one, DO NOT let me have one. Predictably at the point of transition (as you approach full dilation) I did start to cave and ask for one. He stood fast and when the MW got me out of the birth pool to check I was 9cm and she was born 20 mins later. My whole active labour was 6 hours as opposed to 16/17 hours with the first.

I'd say keep an open mind but IMO I wouldnt touch one again. :)
Its not so much the epidural, its all the other stuff they get you wired up to in order to have one! Im not gonna totally rule it out if Im in labour for ever and get exhausted I might go for it to get some sleep but I really hope I can just use a birthing pool, relaxation techniques and gas and air (because its the only time you're allowed to get as high as you like without people judging you!!) my OH is well up for researching hypnobirthing and relaxation techniques to do with me during labour.

When you think about your recovery afterwards, at least without the epidural you dont have to wait for it to wear off and you're less likely to need forceps and other scary contraptions approaching your special area, which can only be a good thing for recovery!
IMO the epidural is the starting point for the cascade of intervention....
Id agree with that from the research Ive been doing. Not that Ive actually given birth before (*disclaimer incase Im a wimp and demand every pain relief method known to man!*) I more scared of the intervention than the birth!!!
Thanks ladies your posts really help. I hate the thought of being all connected up to various devices etc and having to have intervention. I wanted to be as active as I could (hoping gravity will help!) so this fits in best with my G&A approach.

I guess I shouldn't rule it out completely as who knows what is going to happen on the day but for the time being, I'm going to stick to my gut feeling and do it as natural as possible.

Going to look into hypno-birthing books too!
yep me too, gonna try and get one from the library if they do them!
Is there a particular book that you recommend? I saw "hypono-birthing, natural approach, comfortable birthing" on amazon and it seems to have good reviews.

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