Confused - any one shed any light?


Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2006
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Hi all

Right, I always thought that EW CM came at ovulation. Now my AF finished and then about ten days later i had lots of EG CM, but then days after this I had three days of bleeding which has now gone. I'll be due on around the 29th Nov.

Have I got the order wrong?
EWCM is a good sign of Ov. You could of ovulated at day 10, its not always 14 days like a lot of peeps think. The 3 days of bleeding, was it heavy or just spotting? Spotting could mean implantation bleed, but heavy isnt normal in the middle of your cycle.
Good, then its possible it was implantation bleed that some ladies get. Keep your fingers crossed hun :hug:
Be nice if it is, but I hate symptom spotting as your always let down when AF arrives.

If I'm honest I've had three nights of total mixed up dreams - you know the ones where there are so many different things going on? I never really dream.

Also having headaches and a little dizziness, but I do have a neck injury so could well be from that.

And I also feel like AF is here. Got the feeling I always get when she's here. Nothing when I wipe though.

Oh and seem to be full of wind :oops:

On the other hand, no sore boobs, no feeling sick.

I would love for AF not to arrive, but will have to see. My cycle isn't that regular either so it could be that she really is on her way, but early although I can't understand why I had the three days of old blood and then nothing. I don't think it was OV because I always get that funny pulling pain around that time.................haven't had it this month. :pray:

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