Confused and worried!


Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2007
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Hi Y'all!
I'm 12 weeks tomorrow.

My problem is that I feel totally NOT pregnant. My bbs aren't as tender as they were, still a bit sore if I prod them (sorry for the mental image!), but nowhere near as bad as they were. I never suffered from morning sickness, just a slight nausea which has also disappeared.

I've had no bleeding or pain, apart from the usual stretchy feelings and I actually think i've lost weight instead of putting it on!

I went for my first midwife appointment last Friday. I was meant to be there for at least an hour and I was out in 10 minutes! She took one look at my medical history (severe asthmatic) and decided I'd be better off at the consultant led Queen Mother's in Glasgow. She didn't even touch me, do bloods or dip my sample.

She said she would mark my referal as URGENT, but I haven't heard anything yet. I'll phone them tomorrow if nothing arrives in the post.

Sorry....just a moan, but I feel so strange getting this far and not having really talked to anyone medical about it! :wall: :wall: I'm worrying mostly about a missed miscarriage, as my symptoms disappeared a few weeks ago, does anyone know how long it would take for something to happen or would I have to wait for a scan?

Thanks for listening!

Lainey :hug:
Sorry your feeling this way, I know it can be a worry, but many woman lose symptoms at the 12 week stage and go on to have healthy babies... However, you do sound worried so I would suggest YOU CALL EPU yourself and explain your fears..... I live in East Kilbride and I use my EPU for reassurance scans... My last PG was a Missed Miscarriage so I can't offer any comfort other than to say They are rare... your disappearing symptoms sound more like normal stage, but you should still go to the EPU, call them first thing in the morning as they like to see us worried mums around mid-day so you need a quick appointment or you'll need to wait another stressful day... Good luck Doll, Lv Yvonne xx :hug:
Hi Lainey,

I know you're worried about your lack of "symptoms", but perhaps you're just one of the lucky ones. I never had morning sickness with my first two pregnancies and I've only retched once (not actually been sick) this time around - and that was probably because at the time, I'd read a whole page of a forum on other people's morning sickness!

It's a good thing that they're referring you to a consultant. I have been referred to a consultant in my last pregnancy because I have a thyroid disorder. It just means that the medical profession (who think in terms of "liability") deem you to be 'high risk' due to your asthma. My S-I-L had extra attention during her pregnancy due to her asthma and another medical condition which meant she has been taking medication before she knew she was pregnant. They just want to keep a closer eye on you and that's a good thing. Also, most women tend to get a bit breathless later on in pregnancy - all the increased blood flow and lack of space once the baby grows puts extra strain on your body - they need to monitor you more carefully if you have asthma because of this.

Have you had your dating scan yet? Probably not if you haven't had your booking appointment. Remember that you can have a private scan any time for £75. Your nearest private provider is probably the Nuffield Hospital at 1000 Great Western road, Glasgow. Their telephone number is: 0141 334 9441, should you decide you can't wait for an NHS scan a minute longer! gosh, i sound like I'm on commission for recommending these private scans :D

Lainey, I have to say though, it's natural to feel worried and wonder if you're "really" pregnant. This is my third pregnancy and I still feel like that! With your first pregnancy, you don't notice symptoms as much. The most obvious symptom to me every time has been tiredness in the first few months. Have you felt more tired than usual?

Keep us up to date with how you get on.


So excited! Didn't do anything about phoning EPU, but did buy a doppler.


So I AM still pregnant....hahahaha!

:D :dance:
Great news, Lainey! :dance:

I bet that's a relief. All too soon, you'll be able to feel your baby move and then you won't need your doppler :D

Any news on your first proper appointment/scan yet?
WIth my last pregnancy I had no tell-tale signs I was pregant until late 2nd trimester, no sore boobs, weight gain, pains or anything. If you're that worried, book an appointment with the midwife, and demand that she checks you over properly, and she will have to. Hope all goes well xxx
That's exactly how I'm feeling these days. I'm 9/10 weeks - My breasts are not as sore as they were before, but I do get the cramps/tiredness/uset stomach after eating and a a bit of back pain. Despite that I still wonder if I'm still pregnant at times! it's scary... might buy one of those dopplers! :)

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