Hi Y'all!
I'm 12 weeks tomorrow.
My problem is that I feel totally NOT pregnant. My bbs aren't as tender as they were, still a bit sore if I prod them (sorry for the mental image!), but nowhere near as bad as they were. I never suffered from morning sickness, just a slight nausea which has also disappeared.
I've had no bleeding or pain, apart from the usual stretchy feelings and I actually think i've lost weight instead of putting it on!
I went for my first midwife appointment last Friday. I was meant to be there for at least an hour and I was out in 10 minutes! She took one look at my medical history (severe asthmatic) and decided I'd be better off at the consultant led Queen Mother's in Glasgow. She didn't even touch me, do bloods or dip my sample.
She said she would mark my referal as URGENT, but I haven't heard anything yet. I'll phone them tomorrow if nothing arrives in the post.
Sorry....just a moan, but I feel so strange getting this far and not having really talked to anyone medical about it!
I'm worrying mostly about a missed miscarriage, as my symptoms disappeared a few weeks ago, does anyone know how long it would take for something to happen or would I have to wait for a scan?
Thanks for listening!
I'm 12 weeks tomorrow.
My problem is that I feel totally NOT pregnant. My bbs aren't as tender as they were, still a bit sore if I prod them (sorry for the mental image!), but nowhere near as bad as they were. I never suffered from morning sickness, just a slight nausea which has also disappeared.
I've had no bleeding or pain, apart from the usual stretchy feelings and I actually think i've lost weight instead of putting it on!
I went for my first midwife appointment last Friday. I was meant to be there for at least an hour and I was out in 10 minutes! She took one look at my medical history (severe asthmatic) and decided I'd be better off at the consultant led Queen Mother's in Glasgow. She didn't even touch me, do bloods or dip my sample.
She said she would mark my referal as URGENT, but I haven't heard anything yet. I'll phone them tomorrow if nothing arrives in the post.
Sorry....just a moan, but I feel so strange getting this far and not having really talked to anyone medical about it!

Thanks for listening!