

Well-Known Member
May 15, 2011
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I've just had a call off my Midwife saying she wants to see me this Friday. She didn't say what it was about and I wasn't meant to be seeing her again until the 11th of next month..

It's got me worried that something is up now and I can't think what! When I rang about my bloods I was told they were all marked as satisfactory and all was ok at the scan, well nothing was mentioned to be wrong and the nurse seemed happy with everything, plus was in and out in about 5mins, would have thought it would have taken longer if anything was wrong??

I'm crapping it now! Really don't want anything to be wrong but can't think why she would want to see me again so soon, she seemed urgent on the phone as well but that could be because she is a very busy woman??

Has anyone else had this?? Or know what it could be about?

Arrrggh!! :wall2:
I hope so! But could she of not asked me for it over the phone if that's the case?
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if only life was that simple, have you been given your green notes yet? if so she will have put her contact number on for where she is based when not at the doctors, call her up an explain that she has left you feeling very worried and could she explain why is has moved it so far? you'll find the number they normal give is the community midwives based at the hospital where they work xxx
Green notes? lol! Obviously not.. maybe that's what it's about? I'm trying not to worry as it's only 2days, plus she did ask how far gone I was so maybe it's something that can only be done after you're so far along... xx
yeah your green notes are basically a green paper book and at your boking in visit which is done anywhere between 6-9 wks the midwife will write down u and the fathers medical history and such, ages, smoking, drinking, previous pregnancies and m/c if any, then she will book you n for a 12 week scan at the hospital and arrange your nxt visit with her, all you vsits with her will be noted in the book she will say how you feeling, what our blood pressure is etc etc, then when yougo for you scans they print off reports such as size, due date, how many babies are seen etc and these go in your green notes too.

when you are further gonshe wll also write your birh plan in there for when ou go to hospital and they make notes on your labour
Aah right! Yes I've had them, the midwife didn't call them green notes though so that's were I got confused lol! I've found her number as well. Thanks Roxane xx
oh right lol how funny they are called something els there, not a problem hu, hope al goes well at your appointment xx

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