Confused about weight gain


Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2008
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I know everyone is different so you can't go completely by guidelines, but I have read in various places the typical maximum weight gain for a woman carrying twins is about 40 pounds. I have already gained 44 pounds, have ONE baby and I am only at 31 weeks. I wasn't underweight before (My BMI was on the high side of normal and I could have done with losing weight).

So I'm confused now because my face might look ever so slightly rounder (but I don't really think it does), my bump isn't very big in comparison to other people at and even before my stage of pregnancy and I can still fit into some jeans I wore pre-pregnancy that go around my hips. Oh, and my bra size has only increased by one letter. Where is all of this weight?! Do I have the fattest baby ever or one made of lead?

Has anyone else had this? Was your baby fat? :rotfl:
I was a 14/16 pre-pregnancy so not the thinnest but I still put on a ridiculous amount - around 4 stone. I made the mistake of weighing myself about a week before Becky arrived and was utterly shocked! I had pretty swollen lower legs and ankles.

I weighed myself not long after we got home and had dropped 2 and a half stone in less than a week - I think I probably peed most of it off! Becky was 7lb 13oz so not huge by any means.

I still have a good couple of stone to lose but will get there eventually, it's much harder because I was hoping to breastfeed and couldn't so I'm just going to have to put in a lot of effort to do it myself. I'm sure running after my LO will help!

Oh, forgot to add, I spoke to my GP about it. She wasn't worried as long as I ate healthily and got plenty exercise - she warned me not to expect miracles as it took me 9 months to put on the weight and it could take just as long if not longer to shed it. I get very jealous when people say how much they've lost but then I was no Kate Moss to begin with :rotfl:
That's what I don't understand about myself! I am 5'7'' and depending on the shop, I can wear anything from a size 10 to a 14 for jeans or skirts. I am usually a size 12 dress. My rings still fit, I don't tend to get swollen marks anywhere, I wore a size 12 maxi dress the other weekend that wasn't a maternity dress, my arms look the same and I can still get into those jeans... I'm getting terrified it is ALL in the baby because I literally look like me with a pillow under my top! D:
I've had my check today when i took LO to have her jabs. I asked her to weigh me as my scales don't work and i weight 9st 8oz.
I reckon before i got pregnant i was about 10.5st. I'm so happy with that. Clearly breast feeding is a godsend! I knew it helped you lose the weight quicker, but not to that extent! I'll be doing it next time round!
moss said:
I'm getting terrified it is ALL in the baby because I literally look like me with a pillow under my top! D:

Your baby isn't going to be 44lbs :lol: Don't forget there is also fluid and placenta.

I'd really not worry about it. You are fit and healthy and can't do much about not gaining weight now. I never weighed myself during pregnancy.

My baby was close on 10lb but he certainly wasn't/isn't 'fat' in any sense of the word. He is simply a large baby, long and solid. But not with rolls of baby fat or anything on him. He is all in proportion. Just all over a big baby.

Once I deliveded baby, waters and the placenta I'd lost about 2 stone in weight from pre pregnancy.
I worried a bit too as i read a boots pregnancy magazine that says you should put on 12kg over the 9 months :shock:
I was weighed at my 36 weeks midwife and i've gone from 56kg to 72kg, the mag was going on about if u put more then that on it'll be difficult to lose. made me feel so crap tbh!!

Looking at people on here i havnt actually put on a huge amount of weight, and i measure my arms, legs, boobs and bumpage every month, have done from the start and my arms and legs are the same size, but my boobs have put on LOADS.

I dont think there is a "normal" amount to put on, though i am starting to wish her outta me so i can start watching what i eat again
I put on 3 stone during pregnancy with Logan but was 2 stone overweight to start with.

I put on 4 stone with James but was slim to start with.

Both times it was my own fault cos I used the pregnancys as an excuse to pig out :oops:

Im not finding breastfeeding is helping me lose weight, I was actually putting on weight until I joined weight watchers!! The boob feeding makes me feel really hungry so I have to be careful to choose healthy snacks.
i put on a lot of weight while pregnant, but iv lost it all and some more even, iv lost 30kg :shock: idk if u read my posts about my weight loss, but please dont get hung up on it like it did :( :hug:
Thanks, I'll try not to get hung up on it.... I am conscious of the fact that it's a possibility because I have had real problems with body dismorphic disorder in the past, but to be honest, I don't mind my weight right now. I'm happy with my body (I mean, I wouldn't mind being a little more toned here and there, but I can look in the mirror and feel good)... I'm just really confused about where all of this weight is because I can't see it and I can fit in old clothes up to my hips. I know my baby won't weigh 44 pounds, but I'm worried about getting a 12 pounder or something... I have read babies of vegetarian mothers often have a higher birth weight and I will be happy if my baby is happy, but I don't want an absolutely enormous baby because I'm scared of the pain!
moss said:
I have read babies of vegetarian mothers often have a higher birth weight and I will be happy if my baby is happy, but I don't want an absolutely enormous baby because I'm scared of the pain!

I found pain wise the actual pushing out a 10lb'er was the easy part. It really was. I didn't find that painful, I found it exhilarating and he came out really easily. Head then 2 minutes later one big push and he slid out (I was standing and squatting for second stage pushing and gravity really helped).

The painful part was the first stage and the contractions then. Not being able to do anything about them or push, just having to ride them out and wait till I could do something in the second stage. That was painful. Size of baby at that point made no difference :lol:

I've been told bigger babies are easier to birth generally :)
moss said:
I have read babies of vegetarian mothers often have a higher birth weight and I will be happy if my baby is happy, but I don't want an absolutely enormous baby because I'm scared of the pain!
i dont call myself vegetarian but i am one i suppose (im squeamish about chewin on flesh- but feel coz its not for moral reasons i shouldnt call myself one!) i ate no meat during pregnancy i ate no meat but my baby was a modest 3380g (7 pounds 7 ounces)

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