Confirming pregnancy??


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2009
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Hi i got a positive pregnancy test today said 3+ weeks, im 5weeks. I asked the doctor yesterday, when i thought i could be pregnant, if i had to make an appointment with them before going to the midwife, she told me to go straight to clinic and fill out the form that the dr would do apparently this saves a dr's appointment. anyone else had to cut out the dr to just go straight on to midwifes without having it confirmed? thanks x
I've not been to the Dr with my last two. It saves time just going to the MW. The Drs dont even bother testing you or taking any details :)
I just went to GP but they took my HPT as proof and never had it confirmed
I only saw my GP this time to get it put into my notes ASAP properly
There isn't any need to go to the docs, I went for another reason and informed them whilst i was there that was almost two weeks ago and i still haven't heard from the mw so i thinking its quicker to go direct anyway!
Yep I wouldn't bother with the docs - I told them more than they told me. She asked when my last period was, if I'd done a test and filled out a form - no confirmation, not even any questions about how I was feeling, whether there was anything to cause alarm. That was a couple of weeks ago and I've not heard anything since. I know it's early days but I think people are starting to guess and it would be nice to have a profesional look at me and confirm things before I tell everyone! Go straight to the MW - at least you'll know where you stand and when you're going to get an appointment!:wall2:
I went to the doctors, but they just gave me the number for the midwife. Rang them and they don't see me till 8 weeks, which is Jan 4th. SO no one will be confirming me until then. Thought it was slightly odd, couldn't the doctor just do a quick blood test to put our minds at rest, but that how they do it apparently in Bristol.

Congratulations and good luck!

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