

Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2011
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Hi I went doctors today to confirm it. He's referred me to a midwife. They should be in touch within a few weeks apparently. I've never been pregnant before. And I'm am scared of miscarriage. I'm only 6 weeks by the doctors estimation. I'm new to this. I have no idea whether they'll give me an early scan because of this being my first or wait till 12 weeks. Any tips from anyone?
They don't give you an extra scan with it being your first however your midwife will be understanding if you have questions etc. Try not to worry chances are all will be fine x
Congrats Hun, the ladies here are lovely and very reassuring if you have questions post here x
Hi. I am also new to all this and 6 weeks this weekend as well!! I am also quite paranoid but have decided that stressing about losing the baby is probably causing the baby stress so am going to try and stop worrying about it!! lol. Easier said than done. My doctor didn't even want to see me but has just booked me straight in with the midwife at 8 weeks - can't wait. Although part of me thinks what if I am some crazy lady who is having some sort of phantom pregnancy?? As no one but me has actually done a test!! lol. Might do another one this week just to be sure... Good luck - what day are you due on?? I'm April 8th at the moment.
Congratulations emmielucy! I'm also pregnant with my first baby- it's so exciting isn't it! Hellywelly i was exactly the same as you and i didnt get any 100% confirmation until my 12 week scan! At one point i actually thought i was going to go for the scan and the lady would tell me i wasnt actually pregnant and think i'm some crazy women!- luckily everything went fine and i'm sure it will for you to :D x

I am pregnant with my first, and we saw our midwife for the first time today. She/he will contact you after 8 weeks to make an appointment. If you really want to see your little jelly bean, after 7 weeks you can have a private scan. But seeing as it's your first and you don't have any complications, they will wait until 12 weeks for the NHS first scan.

We are all in the same boat, and they are so good on here, there is always someone to talk to.
congrats dear.

I did a pregnancy test last week Thursday called the docs on Friday. Suspect im about 5 weeks pregnant. He said he'd arrange a midwife appointment. The letter came through today for the 9th September. It's my first too.

Someone on here mentioned that she had a miscarriage, but she is still being asked to wait the 12 weeks. :-(
I was told that I'm due early April by the doctors. thanks for all congrats x I was told midwife would phone me.
Congrats and as all the ladies have said as its your first they will probably scan you around 12 weeks, im on my third but its still scary as so much has changed since i had my girls!

Everyone on here brilliant anytime of day (or night lol) so fire away with any questions or concerns xxxx

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