Concerned Friend


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Aug 11, 2006
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Hello Girls,

I'm not sure if you get many guys on this forum, i'm sure you must get one every now and then.

My name is Rob, and i'm a little concerned about a close friend of mine who has recently found herself to be pregnant, and she's finding a few symptoms that i would deem to be a little odd, i studied a fair amount about pregnancy when in the later year of school but i must admit my knowledge is somewhat limited.

I spoke to her today, and she's estimating to be about 6 weeks gone, so we're still in the early days. She has also only JUST moved house and she's in the middle of registring with a GP in the area to get checked over properly which will put my mind at rest but thought i consult the real experts (thats you girls) on this one.

She does'nt appear to be experiencing any of the usual 'morning sickness' type effets, as far as vommiting and nautiousness. But she is feeling very run down, tired, achy and has a constant headache, which she describes as 'foggy or fuzzy' ... she is also having lots of problems with her vision, she has lots of problems with depth perception and focusing on things and is often struggles to see things properly.

These syptoms have been around for around three days now, and whilst she is seeking medical advice i'm still a little worry box about it and thought i see what you thought.

I know she's experianced a mis-carridge once before and she's said that she's likely to be suseptable for the same to happen again.

Any thoughts you have would be greatly appreciated.

Rob x
First of all Rob, i just want to say you must be a wonderful friend to be so concerned about her, it's really lovely!!

I can't say i experienced anything like what she is with the eyesight and stuff, all i can suggest is for her to keep on at the doctors and explain her sitaution to them as much as possible in order for them to try and hurry up the process of her being registered with the local GP.

Keep us posted please Rob and good luck to your friend :D
Hello Girls,

Thank you for your replies, it really is very sweet of you to get back to me so quickly, i'll have a look around at that site bex and see what it turns up.

What are pregnant lady's for if it isn't for looking after?

Thanks again, if anyone else has anything to add then it's greatly appreciated.

Rob x
Hiya Rob
it's pretty normal to not have the "usual" so early, so i wouldn't worry too much about that.

The headaches and vision would cause me to be concerned a little, it is possible her blood pressure is a bit high especially in middle of moving and stuff ( not qualified anything so don't take my word for that!!)

Best thing to do is phone her GP and get a booking in appointment with MW who'll test her for blood pressure and stuff( usually at 12 weeks but if she has had M/C before they may see her sooner, make sure she tells them she is concerned

All the best and what a good friend you are x
No sickness is normal, headaches again normal, tiredness normal but the vision and depth perception isnt something readily associated with pregnancy although these could be migraine? When she registers at a GP she can get an emergency appointment even if she's literally just handed her form in for processing.
Nothing more to add really, but thought I would mention that i sometimes struggle to focus on things, but only when I'm tired whcih i consider normal 'tired' symptoms, I have bad eye sight anyway so it doesn't concern me. Maybe she is just tired, but itscertainly not worth just putting it down to that, she shoud def try and get booked in to see someone sooner rather than later.

I has mc in sept last year and when i went to the doctor she booked me in with mw for this monday which will be 7 weeks through, as i said i was worried etc. Definitely recommend her to ask to see mw asap,

good luck! :hug:
Thanks for all your help on this stuff girls,

I'm hoping she'll get booked in with a GP this weekend and passed on to a mid-wife to get things sorted.

Unfortunatly she lives a few distance from me but i'm keeping as closer eye on her as possible so i'm sure she will be ok.

I'll keep you posted, but thankyou for your help.


I am 10 weeks now and have had hardly any sickness yet. I am very tired though too! I agree with the headaches and vision advice. As soon as she can she needs to see a doctor. I have had 2 miscarriages and from all the things you've said, there's nothing there that I experienced when I miscarried. I didn't get headaches or the fuzzy vision so I wouldn't worry that they were signs of miscarriage but they do need a doctor to check them out.

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