My sister's awful labour


Well-Known Member
Jun 5, 2007
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My sister has finally gone into labour with my first nephew :cheer: but it sounds like she's having a hell of a time. She's been having contractions for 2 days and was finally admitted last night (the first time the hospital sent her straight back home), but hasn't made enough progress (still only 2cm dilated) and she's been given the choice to stay or go back home.

She is so tired already and in a lot of pain and they won't give her anything until labour has started properly. I know there's no point in me going there just now (we live a long way away) but I feel so awful for her.

She was already 10 days over her due date so nephew is a stubborn little beggar!

Know that everybody's different so it's not worrying me about my pregnancy, but my poor little sis. :cry:

sorry to vent girls.
:hug: your poor sister :hug: I hope things hurry along for her now :pray: and your nephew is born safe and sound soon.
My sister also had long labours....BUT
My labours are MUCH quicker.... 27 minutes for the first born.... no pain so no pain relief either...not that there was time :rotfl: no stitches and just 3 pushes..... so here's hoping you and the other girls have just as easy a time as i did first time around... :wave: Lv Yvonne xx :hug:
fynemum said:
:hug: your poor sister :hug: I hope things hurry along for her now :pray: and your nephew is born safe and sound soon.
My sister also had long labours....BUT
My labours are MUCH quicker.... 27 minutes for the first born.... no pain so no pain relief either...not that there was time :rotfl: no stitches and just 3 pushes..... so here's hoping you and the other girls have just as easy a time as i did first time around... :wave: Lv Yvonne xx :hug:

god i hope im like u lol
my mum was in just 5 hours, but my aunty was in 48 hours for all 3!!
Yeah, I'll have some of what you had please! :lol:

Thanks for your kind thoughts. I know she'll pull (push?!) through it but when it's your little sister... I just want to beat her husband up :oops: (he seems the nearest culprit. I bet she's having similar thoughts!)
Your poor sis, I really feel sorry for her. I had to wait about 8 or 9 hrs before they would give me any drugs (unless you count the pathetic 2 paracetamol they said I could have!) and I found it really hard going. Hopefully things will pick up quickly for her, I was at 2cm for 9 hrs and I remember wanting to kill the midwife when she said I wasnt in 'Established labour'! I went fully dilated all of a sudden though so fingers crossed your sis is the same.
2 paracetamol?! did she offer you a sticky plaster and a lollipop as well?!

Yeah, I don't think she's best friends with the midwife, especially when she said that they might stop. She's having one every 2 mins now (back at home :roll: ) and they've said to go back in whenever she needs to.

Birth plan now has EPIDURAL in red pen at the top of the list :lol:
Give you sister plenty of hugs from me. :hug: :hug: :hug:
Bless your sis...It's always hard when its someone that close to you going thru the pain....How's she doing today??....Any news on whether the stubborn little fella's here yet??

Big hugs go out to her...and to you!! :hug: :hug: :hug:
Joseph Benjamin is here! Sorry to be so late with the news, only found out the details myself this morning.

Well, she finally gave birth on SUNDAY NIGHT!! 9pm having had regular contractions since Thursday :shock:

Waters broke and went into full labour Sunday am, epidural duly administered :wink: and eventually they had to call it a day and do a caesarean. SO FRUSTRATING after everything - they could have done that on thursday and saved a lot of pain! But he was back-to-back and no way he was going to come out as planned - especially as he was 9lb4oz!! :shock: again, she'd been told around 7 and a half!

But mum and baby are both really well and it was all worth it, she's so happy now, completely in love and not in too much discomfort. He has lots of black hair and a scrunchy little face (OK, sounds like a baby...!) but I haven't seen any pics yet.

Very proud of my sis and my new "little" nephew! It's made me feel even more excited about my own pg, despite how awful the weekend's been. Roll on January :cheer:

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