Concerned about bleeding

Well this far on a lot experience bad pains which youve not had so lets stay positive until we know otherwise x
Got everything crossed for u.
I had mmc end of last year and it took almost 4 wks of scans, bloods etc before i had medical mgt - the limbo part is definitely the worst bit about it, its horrendous trying to stay positive but also trying to prepare yourself for bad news x
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It definetely is the limbo. I'm just really scared that it is ectopic and all of a sudden I'm going to rupture :(

I'm feeling a lot more positive today though and really hoping that on Thursday they see something that means viability
Oh hun I've just seen this hope it's all ok Thursday for you.

Fx for tomorrow for hopefully some more concrete news xx
Hi everyone. So I'm still waiting for my blood test result from today but I have had another scan and the result was that there has been no noticeable change. The fluid area that they saw last week in my uterus has only grown by 1mm and if this was a viable pregnancy it would have grown 1mm a day.

There are no noticeable areas for ectopic and the cyst on my ovary hasn't grown so they are happy with that.

I am now under the impression that this was either a blighted ovum or just a very early failed pregnancy. So I am currently waiting for nature of take its course.

I'm still currently awaiting my options and I'm hoping for something at will let me move on quickly. I have been spoken to about an injections but this will mean I have to wait 3 months before I can ttc so I am hoping to avoid this unless my health is at risk
My hormone levels are now static/ have dropped slightly from my last blood test. So pretty much certain that this is now a failed pregnancy and I am now waiting to miscarry.

At this stage I have opted for a natural route and am waiting to see what happens. I have been asked to go back to the epu next Thursday for another scan so they can see if there is any noticeable change
I waited weeks and nothing was working for me when i mc'd
Tried medical management which failed
Ended having an erpc cos it had gone necrotic/infected
Is that not an option for you? In and out in a day? Xxx
Haven't been given that choice yet. Maybe will next week. They briefly talked about an injection but I said to the midwife that I wanted to avoid this as it would mean waiting to ttc for 3 months due to the chemicals involved. They are scanning me next week to see if there is any change in my uterus at that point. My hormone levels have just started to drop over the last day or so I reckon so I am happy to proceed with trying to mc naturally at his moment as I am hoping my body will manage.

I really don't want to have any unnecessary procedures and put myself through surgery etc.. When I migh not need this. My personal opinion on it - I'll do it when my health needs it but not before
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Thanks, if nothing's started by next week I will ask about alternatives that don't involve the injections xx
So still waiting for my scan on Thursday. I've now started bleeding again. Started Monday night and has continued all yesterday and this morning - it's very red but not much to it again. I've had some period style cramping and abit of back ache at times but nothing else.

Was kind of hoping this would be it but I have a feeling that it's not
Aww Pumpkin. I have no experience of this but just want to say I'm sorry you're going through this. Cannot imagine how awful it must be. xxx
Thanks mylullaby it has been easier than I thought now that I have been diagnosed with an incomplete miscarriage rather than ectopic pregnancy.

Hoping things will come to an end quickly
So sorry for your loss pumpkin, just wanted to share my experience. I had an incomplete mmc in 2011. I had a scan at 11+1wks due to bleeding but only measured 5-6wks and just a sac so epu couldn't do anything until they could confirm the mmc. I mc'ed naturally at 13wks on the 30th June. I bled on and off continuously until 26th Aug when I had an erpc. My hcg levels stuck at just 25 and my body was clinging on. It was a horrendous time and the limbo is just one of the worst experiences ever. I hope you don't have to wait too long for the limbo to end xx
Hi pumpkin. I hope things are progressing back to normal for you. Was going to say after 3 erpcs I can honestly say it is a very easy option. I was always back to normal the next day as its not very invasive and it gives closure on what is such an emotionally draining time.
I think you're amazing the way you've handled this, I was a wreck. X
Thanks ladies, it's been tough- ive had some real emotional times the last week or so. Just a mixture of so many emotions. Kind of feel like ive been robbed but then i know I just need to get on with it now.

So the hospital have said that because there is so little that they can see they believe it will resolve itself naturally that Erpc wouldn't be an option due to size and pessary etc might not work.

I've got to wait until ive stopped bleeding for two weeks and then take a test. I bled last on Friday night but it's always just a small amount now then stops. So keeping everything crossed that I'm now in that two week window and can start trying again soon
I only had the erpc because it wasn't passing and it started to smell rotting

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