Concerned about bleeding


Well-Known Member
Apr 26, 2013
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Hi everyone. I just need to get this all off my chest as I'm feeling horrible today.

So I'm about 7 weeks +5 right now. It's difficult to say as I'm dating this pregnancy from january but I had what I thought was a period In February. Turns out that it wasn't a period and I was pregnant (I randomly took a pregnancy test in feb and it was positive). Anyway bang on 26 days after my last bleed I'm not bleeding again. Bright red blood not a massive amount but definetely not spotting - my tummy feels churny. I've phone the midwife and have a scan tomorrow at 11.15 to see if they can establish why I'm bleeding.

I just feel awful. I've practically convinced myself I'm loosing this baby which I was so happy about. Every twinge or mild ache I'm getting I'm wondering what it is. I don't understand why I'm bleeding every 26 days.

Sorry for the moan ladies I just feelin total limbo - wish the bleeding would stop and praying everything is ok but just think it's going to be bad news
As you know I had reasonably heavy bleeding and cramping earlier this week and all is fine, they can't tell me why I'm bleeding. I have a crap history though and in other pregnancies bleeding has always been a bad sign for me. Hardest thing about being in this position is that no one can tell you whether it will be ok, you just have to get through the days until scans and stay hopeful. I always feel like I'm imploding in this situation though, its awful.
I hope you get a good answer tomorrow, and big hug to you during this horrible wait. X
I think because my last pregnancy had no bleeding at all it's making me panic more
Thanks fliss I was abit more hopeful this morning but then I went to the loo! Still the same. At least my appointment is now in two hours rather than two days
so it's abit inconclusive at the moment. Basically I've had an ultrasound and then an internal scan and they can't be 100% sure that I am (or am not) pregnant. I've now had a blood test to check levels and depending on those results which I get this afternoon they will Decide if I need another blood test on Sunday or not. Feeling abit deflated as I've basically decided in my head that it's not worked out this time although there is a small chance still that I am about 4 weeks pregnant. I doubt it based on the bleeding but there we go
I had something similar pg #3. Its heartbreaking, and even more so as you have to try and stay hopeful during that period of limbo incase you are the one who gets the good news at the end. I remember in my heart I knewIit wasn't to be that time but you have to go through the motions. I really hope Sundays bloods bring better news. X
Thanks fliss. I'm trying to remain positive as is hubby but Im also trying protect myself as I think if I get my hopes up I'm just going to be devastated if the news is bad.

I just can't get my head around how I had very clear positive pregnancy tests middle of February if that was around the time I conceived.

Well Sunday's getting closer so I should know soon
Hey hun. Sorry your all in limbo but early scans are hard to date. There was no baby on my scan with Oliver and 2 weeks later he was there but they dated me back to getting my bfp at 3dpo. By 12 weeks he had caught up. He was just a late starter. Fx for good news later xxx
Did you have blood test littlemisshopeful?

I've had two so far on Friday my hcg was 1466 and today (after 48 hours) it had only risen to 1622. In normal pregnancy they say it should double so I'm now on the verge of being diagnosed with suspected ectopic pregnancy.

I've got to go back on Tuesday for further blood tests and then wait to be seen by a doctor.

Feel very down about it as I've been waiting since Wednesday for an answer and still don't have one.

Not really sure if it's possible to miscarry one month then fall pregnant the next but I'm clinging on to being some kind of medical marvel!!
It is possible as youd be highly fertile and could have hcg left over
But dunno if that fully explains the partial increase in repeat hcg levels
Hope Tuesday gives you the answers you need

My 6 week scan i seen nothing except the faintest tiny white shadow
if i had blood in there like you, youd prob not see it
But 10 days later there was a massive difference!
They were originally thinking if had a rise in hcg they were going to wait two weeks to do another ultrasound but now that it's an abnormally low rise they are more cautious. I didn't really see anyone today but the doctor who called me back had spoken to the registrar and has advised this course of action so I'm hoping on Tuesday I can speak to someone else but what they think is happening and the route from there on in
Yes I had bloods done. My rise was about 30% and they told me they was 99% sure it was a blighted ovum. I had my scan 8 days later before having an erpc the same day and there was a baby with a heartbeat. Hope you get answers soon as I know the limbo stage is not nice xxx
Did you have blood test littlemisshopeful?

I've had two so far on Friday my hcg was 1466 and today (after 48 hours) it had only risen to 1622. In normal pregnancy they say it should double so I'm now on the verge of being diagnosed with suspected ectopic pregnancy.

I've got to go back on Tuesday for further blood tests and then wait to be seen by a doctor.

Feel very down about it as I've been waiting since Wednesday for an answer and still don't have one.

Not really sure if it's possible to miscarry one month then fall pregnant the next but I'm clinging on to being some kind of medical marvel!!

Hi hun, I hope everything turns out okay for you but if in some horrible case it is ectopic please feel free to contact me about it.

I went through it in January & it's very hard to go through when you don't know many people who have been through it. Any questions or a shoulder to cry on I am here if needed.

I hope tomorrow brings happy news xx
Thanks wishinghoping. My state of mind is abit better today- I was a mess yesterday.

I've stopped bleeding so not sure if that is good or bad and I still have no pain so I'm praying that this could be good news
I've been back today and my bloods have risen by roughly the same percentage again so I now need to go back on thursdau for a scan and also another blood test
Really sorry to hear this pumpkin. The limbo is hell. Been thinking of you all day. Xxx
Well... surely its good its going up at least?
Not sure. Apparently 15% of people don't follow the normal 60% to 100% increase in 48 to 72 hours so I could be one of those but also a low rise in hcg is an indicator of ectopic pregnancies
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