Conceiving after coming off pill


Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2007
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I have been on pill for years more than 13 and I am trying for baby. I have had 2 real periods but every month feel gutted I havent fallen. How long will it take i'm only 28 with no past probs in the woman area?

Also is it worth getting an ov kit. I think I can feel when I ovulate as have cramps around 14 dys from my last period?
I was on the pill for Many years and came off in December - i am now 6 weeks pregnant so it took about 9 months to fall pregnant. I took agnus castus to regulate my periods but if you think OV kits will help go for it, good luck!
i am quite lucky as my periods seem quite reg, my first was 29 days 2nd was 30 days and my 3rd is prob any day now as can feel cramps. God its so frustrating, how do people fall by accident??
I wouldn't ask yourself qestions like that it will drive you mad! Just take each day at a time x x x
It's great news that your periods have regulated quickly. If I were you I would give the OV kits a go so that you know when you are ovulating.

I TTC for several months after coming off the pill before trying OV kits and then got pregnant the 2nd month of using them. I was bd'ing at completely the wrong time of the month prior to using them.

You also need to look out for egg white consistency discharge, you get this in the 4/5 days leading up to ovulation. You need to make sure that you BD as much as possible when you get EWCM to maximise your chances of conceiving.

Good luck!
Hey there xx

I was on the pill for 10 years and I got pregnant after 4 months ttc xxx Take it slow and enjoy the process it will happen for you xxx
It is upsetting when you get AF but when you see the BFP you want it is well worth the wait!!


I was on the pill for 16 years.... and came off it the end of September... it took me 3 months to get pregnant... I think its just a case of trying to be patiant ...It takes time for the pill to come out of your system.. Good Luck! :hug:

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