completely random wedding question


Well-Known Member
Sep 26, 2010
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Hello ladies...

You know how us ladies are emotional wrecks...

well....i get married on the 25th november and i have chosen my song to walk down the aisle to...the only thing is...I literally cry every time i listen to it...and i don't just mean well up, i mean proper sob!! I love it and the lyrics are so amazing and apt and it means a lot to me...but my OH said if i cry, he will cry and then we will just be a mess...ha ha u think...

I should still have the song and hope that on the day i am so excited that it doesnt turn me into a blubbering wreck or should i pick something else i love that doesnt have that effect?? lol

weird dilemma i know...

Awwww how sweet! Tough one, maybe keep with the tune and have a backup plan? Your oh sounds sweet too xx
I would play it so often that u get used to it and more kind of immune to the effects?
If you can't get over the crying bit I'd leave it and have it later on in the Night x
yeah, good thinking....see how teary i am on the day and have a cd a and a cd b....can imagine getting out the car screaming...get cd b out!!!! ha ha xx
I would play it so often that u get used to it and more kind of immune to the effects?
If you can't get over the crying bit I'd leave it and have it later on in the Night x

yeah...ha ha

cos i cant ruin my makeup lol...also dont want poor sam to get upset if i am blubbering.....i want him to smile as i am walking towards him xx
could you have it as your first dance instead? doen't matter if you both blub then! :) have a wonderful day whatever you decide! xx
My husband ended up crying anyway :D
I thought I'd cry when I walked in and I wasn't pregnant! Looking at everyone else etc kind of kept my mind off it! I held it together though then sobbed the whole way through our wedding vows as we both wrote our own and kept them a secret!
play it when you are REALLY happy-dance about to it and don't really listen to the words too much! Sing it at the top of your voice and just generally have a laugh with it! you should forget how much you cry! :)
I would play it so often that u get used to it and more kind of immune to the effects?
If you can't get over the crying bit I'd leave it and have it later on in the Night x

Definitely go with this - then you will have a better idea of if its just hormones at he moment. If its still making you cry lots nearer the time, then maybe you could move it and have it at a different point of the day (after photos - so runny make-ups not so much of a problem. lol)

The song we chose had me in tears every time but on the day it was different. So much going, so many people etc that I kinda didn't hear it if that makes sense?xx
TBH I thought I would cry walking down the aisle but I cant really remember it now! The excitement took over. I started walking and saw all my friends and family smiling at me and OH waiting for me up the front that I was oblivious to the music.... we just had the normal bridal march.
I reckon you will be fine and will go ahead with plan A!
this one

the lyrics are lovely, its over a very traditional wedding song and i am a huge westlife fan and it's the song shane wrote for his wife on their wedding day.....but aside from that, the lyrics are just lovely

awwww i love it that sounds perfect and has me bloody blubbing to xxx
That is a beautifull song. Im a massive westlife fan aswell.
I think you will be so happy on the day you wont be crying.
think i will just have to listen to it lots and hopefully i will stop xx
I always used to cry to the song I chose to walk down the aisle to, and I was worried bout this too, but when we got married I was so nervous/ excited etc that I didn't hear a thing! I even asked my husband if they played it lol!
Thought I would cry saying my vows too but I ended up laughing my head off! My mum later told me she thought the registrar was going to stop things!
I would use the song you want, it means a lot to you both xxx
sam doesnt like westlife lol..but he knows i love the song and so i think thats why i am getting away with it :Dxx
Aww you might end up crying either way hun. I thought I would, I was so emotional when I was about to walk down the aisle, but seeing my family and friends and recalling the memory of that song I ended up smiling non stop. I was very emotional saying my vows and I made a speech too, got a bit emotional there :p xx

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