completely confussed


Well-Known Member
May 16, 2005
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hi guys forgive me for being stupid im still trying to get my head round everything

im not sure on my cycle as ive recently had the coil out and ive only had spotting for three days and then nothing else......

im not sure how i tell whats happening if anything? how do i know where i am in my cycle
while i had the coil in i rarely had a AF (i think thats the right letters)

im completely confussed and ive tried to read some of the threads on here and im getting more and more lost.

any help would be fantastic
Hi Emmylou
I found that making a chart really helps to note each symptom.

In general mine goes like this
days 1-4 bleeding days 5-11 nothing, days 11-13 horny and cm (creamy mucus) days 14-16 Horny and egg white mucus day 17 ewm days 18-19 cm and tears days 20-28 nothing.

If you make a long chart with say 35 days on it and put the day you think you ovulate at the middle and then write in each days symptoms and start a new line when you start your period it will help you figure out how long your cycle is and what your symptoms are at each stage of it. I found that its easier once youve had a period to figure it out.
You can help by using opk tests which show you the day before you will ovulate which will help you figure out ovulation time.

Good luck
X Daisy
PS If you find that your cycle isnt as it should be then talk to your doctor about it. Ive not had a coil so ive no idea what you would expect but im sure someone will be along soon who does know.
x Daisy
Hi I highly recommend charting, i feel so good knowing what my body is doing just by observing the cm and temperatures. is what i use, it's really good. Confirmed that i ovulated this month for the first time.

you can sign up for free and theres a phone app for adding your temps in the morning in bed :)
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i keep a chart by my bed hun for every month, and have a column for cycle days, column for the date, column for morning temp and a column for night time temp, and a column of af yes or no? i also write on it my opk results, my symptoms/ewcm etc

it really does help as you start to notice changes more easily

good luck xxx
thanks guys......i think im noticing some symtoms........i think the letters are CM....(dischargy stuff)????
sharp pains on one side......very horny all the time but sore nipples dont know if thats anything to go by though
if u have had the coil for a while it can take sometime to get back to normal ovulatory cycles. i agree with the other ladies, keep a note of what is going on down there till you see some routine things. you could even take it to the next step and start charting and opks but in my opinion its too early and you should give your body a chance to get back to routine first. xxx

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